Section One:   Short Title


This Ordinance shall be known as the 2012 Water Supply Charge Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.


Section Two:  Findings


The Findings above are determined to be true and correct, and are adopted as though fully set forth herein.


Section Three:  Purposes


Proceeds of the charge imposed by this Ordinance may only be used to fund District water supply activities, including capital acquisition and operational costs for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) and Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) purposes, as well as studies related to project(s) necessary to ensure sufficient water is available for present beneficial water use in the main CAW system. In addition to direct costs of the projects, proceeds of this annual water supply charge may also be expended to ensure sufficient water is available for present beneficial use or uses, including water supply management, water demand management, water augmentation program expenses such as planning for, acquiring and/or reserving augmented water supply capacity, including engineering, hydrologic, legal, geologic, financial, and property acquisition, and for reserves to meet the cash-flow needs of the District and to otherwise provide for the cost to provide services for which the charge is imposed.


No more than fifteen (15%) of proceeds collected by reason of Ordinance No. 152 shall be used to fund general unallocated administrative overhead.  


Section Four:  Charge Imposed


The owner of each parcel of real property connected to the main CAW Water Distribution System, excluding the Bishop, Hidden Hills, Ambler, and Toro sub-units (which will not receive the service for which the charge is imposed), shall pay the District an annual water service charge. The amount of the charge on each parcel shall be calculated as set forth in Section 5 of this ordinance. This is a charge by the District to parcels on the CAW system that receive water via the CAW system that is sourced, in whole or in part, from the District’s water supply activities. The charge for each fiscal year shall be due and payable on July 1 of that fiscal year. The Board of Directors may, by ordinance or resolution, change the method of collection for the charge by (i) providing that the annual charge be collected in installments over time, (ii)