As adopted by the Board of Directors on January 29, 2009


1.         Primary Function


The Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee is a sub-committee of the MPWMD Board. 
The Committee shall coordinate with the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA), Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) and other entities to facilitate water supply project planning to benefit the Monterey Peninsula area.  This effort may address means to maximize use of subpotable  water; purified recycled wastewater; greywater; aquifer storage and recovery, seawater desalination, groundwater replenishment or other water supply alternatives that may be proposed in the future. The effort may include agreements to share sites and facilities and develop agreements to clarify private and public roles and responsibilities related to water supply planning.  Agreements may relate to projects such as MPWMD’s Seaside Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project; MPWMD’s Seawater Desalination Project, also known as the 95-10 Project; MRWPCA’s Seaside Basin Groundwater Replenishment Project; use of the MRWPCA ocean outfall; and/or sharing of MCWD sites and transmission facilities.


2.                   Process


The Committee shall gather data and formulate draft agreements to further its Primary Function.  The Committee may meet, from time to time, with subcommittee or representatives of MRWPCA, MCWD or other organizations to jointly develop joint agreements for presentation and approval by the MPWMD Board and other boards of directors.  Committee meetings shall ordinarily be noticed and open to the public; nonetheless, this committee is not considered a “legislative body” under the Ralph M. Brown Act and is not legally required to provide such notice.


3.         Composition and Structure


a)         The Committee is composed of Directors Brower, Doyle and Edwards; Markey is an alternate three Board members with at least one alternate.  The members of the Water Supply Planning Committee and its chair shall be appointed by the Board Chair and approved by the Board.


b)         A quorum of two (2) Committee members shall be required for an official meeting to be conducted.  Action may be taken by majority vote of those Water Supply Planning Committee members present. 


c)         The General Manager or other designated staff member(s), and the General Counsel, shall provide support to the Committee as appropriate.


4.         Responsibilities of the Committee


a)         To meet as required on the call of the committee chair, a majority of committee members, Board of Directors or the General Manager.


b)         To confer with a subcommittees and representatives of other entities to facilitate its purposes.


c)         To draft joint agreements for presentation to the MPWMD Board for approval.


d)         To undertake other tasks designated by the Board Chairperson.





            5.         Termination of Committee


            The Committee shall function until such time as the MPWMD and MRWPCA Boards of Directors have adopted a joint MOU on water supply planning, or until the District Board determines its services are no longer needed.   






