P: (831) 455-9514 F: (831) 455-2846 www.ventanaws.org
Monitoring Avian Productivity and
Survivorship (MAPS)
This proposal encompasses the
five tasks outlined below. Exhibits B
and C (attached) detail a fee and work schedule
Task 1: Transect monitoring: SPRING 2007 for
Avian Guild Census
biologist from the Ventana Wildlife Society will collect and analyze Species
Diversity Index (SDI) data along 18 transects at 9 sites in the
Point Counts: We will use 5-minute
unlimited-radius plots to record all birds detected within each of two
categories: 1) within 50 meters, and 2) outside 50 meters. Observers will note all birds detected in 3
minutes and will continue recording for a full 5 minutes to enable comparisons
of the number of species detected by increasing the length of the count. All data, including date, time, point count
location (PCL) number, species, number of individuals per species, and distance
from observer will be recorded on a standardized data sheet. Birds will be counted at each PCL between
Task 2: Transect monitoring: SUMMER 2007 for
Avian Guild Census
biologist from the Ventana Wildlife Society will collect and analyze Species
Diversity Index (SDI) data along 18 transects at 9 sites in the
Task 3: 2007 Annual Report for Avian Guild
biologist from the Ventana Wildlife Society will prepare an annual monitoring
report for the 2007 field season using data collected during spring 2007 and
fall 2007. The report will present and summarize findings from each sampling
period at each site. Data shall be analyzed using Shannon-Weaver SDI
methodology; trends in SDI values will be identified and evaluated. The report will also evaluate habitat use by
Partner’s in Flight riparian focal species and compare their use between
sites. The use of focal species to evaluate habitat
health is a widely accepted technique for habitat assessment and
management. California Partners in
Flight (CalPIF), in collaboration with the Riparian Habitat Joint Venture
(RHJV), developed a Riparian Bird Conservation Plan to provide guidelines for
the conservation of
Task 4: Monitoring Avian Productivity and
Survivorship (MAPS) 2007
The Schulte site is located
along the
Task 5: 2007 MAPS REPORT
The contractor shall submit a
report that contains all relevant information pertaining to this task. The Draft Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship Stations (MAPS) Report
will be submitted December 15, 2007. The
Final Monitoring Avian Productivity and
Survivorship Stations (MAPS) Report shall be submitted within 30 days of
receipt of comments from the MPWMD.
DeSante, D. F., K.
M. Burton, P. Velez, and D. Froehlich. 2004.
MAPS manual, 2004 protocol: Instructions for the establishment and operation of
constant-effort bird-banding stations as part of the Monitoring Avian
Productivity and Survivorship (Maps) program.
Ralph, C. J., J. R. Sauer,
and S. Droege (eds). 1997. Monitoring bird populations by point counts. Pacific
Southwest Research Station,
RHJV (Riparian Habitat Joint Venture). 2004.
Version 2.0. The riparian bird conservation plan: a strategy for reversing the
decline of riparian associated birds in
Task 1-3: Approximate costs for each task are: Task 1 - $969.00; Task 2 - $969.00; Task 3 -
$1,065.00. The total MPWMD cost for Tasks 1-3 is $3,003.00. See following cost breakdown for Tasks 1, 2,
and 3:
Task 1 (Spring
Transects): |
Description |
Rate $ |
Units (h) or (mi) |
Total |
Biologist |
$19.50 |
30 |
$585.00 |
Benefits |
$0.36 |
$585.00 |
$210.60 |
Mileage |
$0.445 |
120 |
$53.40 |
Indirect |
$0.15 |
$795.60 |
$119.34 |
Total Task 1 |
$969.00 |
Task 2 (Summer
Transects): |
Description |
Rate $ |
Units (h) or (mi) |
Total |
Biologist |
$19.50 |
30 |
$585.00 |
Benefits |
$0.36 |
$585.00 |
$210.60 |
Mileage |
$0.445 |
120 |
$53.40 |
Indirect |
$0.15 |
$795.60 |
$119.34 |
Total Task 2 |
$969.00 |
Task 3 (Data Entry and
Report): |
Description |
Rate $ |
Units (h) |
Total |
Biologist |
$19.50 |
28 |
$546.00 |
Benefits |
$0.36 |
$546.00 |
$196.56 |
Intern (x2) |
$9.00 |
14.4 |
$129.60 |
Benefits |
$0.24 |
$126.00 |
$30.24 |
Housing |
$28.00 |
$1.80 |
$50.40 |
Indirect |
$0.15 |
$742.56 |
$111.38 |
Total Task 3 |
$1,065.00 |
Total for Tasks 1-3 |
$3,003.00 |
Task 4 – 2007 Monitoring Avian Productivity and
Survivorship (MAPS)
Task 5 – 2007 MAPS Reporting
The MPWMD cost share for Tasks 4 and 5 is $1,477.00. The costs for
these two tasks will be shared among Ventana Wildlife Society, the Monterey
Peninsula Water Management District, and USFWS Neotropical Migratory Bird
Conservation Act (NMBCA), a cooperative grant led by Ventana Wildlife
Society. The total cost for Tasks 4 and
5 is estimated to be $7,128.00, including data entry, reporting, work conducted
at 3 sites, all personnel, mileage, and costs incurred for specialized
equipment. See following cost breakdown for Tasks 4 and 5:
Description |
Rate $ |
Units (h) or (mi) |
Total |
Biologist |
$19.50 |
28.5 |
$555.75 |
$0.00 |
$138.94 |
$416.81 |
Benefits |
$0.36 |
$555.75 |
$200.07 |
$0.00 |
$50.02 |
$150.05 |
Intern |
$5.00 |
320 |
$1,600.00 |
$400.00 |
$400.00 |
$800.00 |
Intern |
$4.00 |
320 |
$1,280.00 |
$320.00 |
$320.00 |
$640.00 |
Benefits |
$0.24 |
$4,725.00 |
$1,134.00 |
$283.50 |
$283.50 |
$567.00 |
Housing (x2) |
$24.00 |
$60.00 |
$1,440.00 |
$360.00 |
$360.00 |
$720.00 |
Mileage |
$0.45 |
1020 |
$453.90 |
$113.48 |
$113.48 |
$226.95 |
Supplies |
$350.00 |
$0.00 |
$87.50 |
$262.50 |
Indirect |
$0.15 |
$755.82 |
$113.37 |
$0.00 |
$28.34 |
$85.03 |
Total Tasks 4-5 |
$7,128.00 |
$1,477.00 |
$1,782.00 |
$3,869.00 |
Task 1: The completion
goal for SPRING 2007 monitoring is June 2007.
This is in accord with monitoring dates in previous years. Monitoring will not begin prior to 10 May, to
ensure the arrival of most breeding birds that are migratory.
Task 2: The
completion goal for SUMMER 2007 monitoring is August 2007. This is in accord with monitoring dates in
previous years, which spanned August 7–August 30.
Task 3: The 2007 accumulative
draft report will be submitted November 1,
2007. The Final Report shall be
submitted within 30 days of receipt of comments from the MPWMD.
Task 4: The completion
goal for the 2007 Monitoring Avian
Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) monitoring is August 8, 2007. Monitoring will span May 1 –August 8 to standardize with national
protocols at the three sites located within the transect sites.
Task 5: The completion
goal for the 2007 Monitoring Avian
Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Draft Report is