Staff’s Proposed Administrative Committee Recommendation

On Amendments to MPWMD Meeting Rules to Establish

Annual Rotation of the Board Chair


(Proposed new text is italicized.  Text proposed for deletion is shown in strike-out.)




At the first meeting in the month of December of each year, the Board of Directors shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.  The agenda for the December meeting will list the election of Board officers as the last item for consideration that evening.  The officers elected in December will assume their positions after the December Board meeting. Rotation of the chair shall be encouraged. The newly elected officers will assume their positions immediately following adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected.  At the first meeting after a vacancy occurs in any office, an election shall be conducted to fill that vacancy.  If both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, the directors in attendance shall select a presiding officer to conduct that meeting.    





The Board shall rotate its leadership among the seven (7) elected members.  To encourage rotation of the Chair, each December when the annual election of Board officers is conducted, or when a vacancy in the position of Chair occurs, the Vice-Chair shall be elected as Chair.  Beginning in 2007, the following rotation shall be used to select the next Vice-Chair. 


                        Division 2 Director

            Division 3 Director

            Division 4 Director

            Division 5 Director

            Monterey County Board of Supervisors Rep.

            Mayoral Representative

            Division 1 Director


Thereafter, the rotation shall return to the top of this list.


Should the current Vice Chair decline to serve as incoming Chair, the Board shall select the director next in rotation to serve as Chair.  Should the Director next in rotation for the position of Vice Chair decline to serve in that capacity, the Board shall select the next Director in rotation to serve as Vice Chair.  The declining Director shall have an opportunity to serve once the entire rotation schedule is complete and has returned to the Division that opted-out.  If the Chair has served less than 12 months at the time the annual December election of Board officers is conducted, the Board will vote to determine if the current Chair shall continue to serve for another year, or if the Vice Chair shall rotate into the position of Chair.

