1. |
Date: |
July 10, 2007 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
David A.
Berger, |
Program/ |
Capital Assets |
Manager |
Line Item No.: Account
No. 24-9130 |
By: |
Hamilton and |
Estimate: |
$ 12,700 |
Inder-Mohan S. Osahan |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee considered this item on July 10, 2007 and recommended ____________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: To get accurate counts of the fish jumping over the counter at the San Clemente Dam fish ladder, in January 2004 staff installed a video camera to digitally record all activity at the fish counter during the migration season. Data is recorded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during this period. However, to see the fish jump over the ladder staff has to view the entire video. Staff has tried to view the video, but it takes a tremendous amount of time and is visually very difficult on staff to keep on staring at the same picture for hours at a time. To help post-process the video collected, staff worked with Ojo Technologies to come up with a software solution that will automate this process using a video-server. The video collected on archive media will be filtered using Object Video software which captures only the frames that have fish jumping over the counter. The software is very similar to face recognition and is used for surveillance at airports and other public places. The software vendor has modified the software to accommodate the Districts needs. Staff has viewed a demo of the software and would like to deploy it this year.
RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends that the Board authorize expenditure of budgeted funds in the approximate amount of $12,700 to purchase and install the new video system and software. The Administrative Committee considered this matter at its July 10, 2007 meeting and voted __ to __ to recommend _________.
BACKGROUND: On February 24, 1994, District staff completed installation of an automated fish counting device on the San Clemente Dam Fish Ladder. Over a period of time, staff observed that adult fish could jump over the counter, without triggering the counting device. In January 2004, a digital surveillance camera was installed to work in conjunction with the fish counter. The primary purpose of the camera was to act as a quality control for the automated fish counter. The camera records continuously for a period of four to five months, and the data is digitally archived to an external drive attached to the system at San Clemente Dam. Any fish that crosses the counting device is captured on the video even if it does not trigger the counting device. Exhibit 1-B shows two photos of fish jumping over the counter. The video enables staff to get an accurate count of the fish migrating past the San Clemente Dam. In addition to providing an accurate count, it enables staff to get a visual observation of every fish passing the counter. This helps determine if the fish are resident or sea-run, the sex of the fish, size and general health condition. The video recording has been going since the time period mentioned above and staff has collected about 2 TB (terabytes) of video per year. However, to see the fish jump over the ladder staff has to view the entire video. Staff has tried to view the video, but it takes a tremendous amount of time and is visually very difficult on staff to keep on staring at the same picture for hours at a time.
1-A Fish Ladder Video Post-Processing Components
1-B Photos of Fish Jumping Over the Counter