Carmel River Mitigation Program

P.O. Box  85, Monterey, CA 93940  (831) 659-2543 phone; (831) 659-2598 fax; email larry@mpwmd.dst.ca.us



                                                                                                                               August 1, 2007

Scope of Work, Budget and Schedule






Most of the riverbed and streambanks along the alluvial section (the lower 15.5 miles) of the Carmel River in Monterey County, California  are composed of loosely consolidated silts, sands, gravels and cobbles.  Erosion along the river occurred at relatively low flows between  the late 1970’s and the late 1990’s.  The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) has carried out a stream restoration program since 1984 to stabilize and restore the streamside corridor and address other water-related problems along the Carmel River.


Because the river bottom changes in response to the amount of sediment that flows through it, an important aspect of managing this portion of the riparian corridor is long-term monitoring and documentation of changes in the elevation and width of the river bottom.  Gravel mining, main stem reservoir construction, and streambank armoring have contributed to a sediment-starved condition in the river channel downstream of Los Padres Dam, which is located at approximately River Mile (RM, measured from the ocean) 25.  A chronic lack of  sediment from the upper watershed has been a factor in channel incision, streambank instability, and episodes of bank erosion downstream of Los Padres Dam over the past several decades.


One result of this condition is that in-channel supports for basic infrastructure (bridges with roads and utilities) have been undermined and compromised at several locations.  In addition, there are areas along the river where scour at the base of slope protection installed to prevent bank erosion has caused bank slumping and/or the protection appears to be at risk of failure during high flows.


The focus of the work proposed in this scope will be to gather cross-section and thalweg (low point in the channel) data for use in maintaining a long-term record and to compare to past and future monitoring data.  Comparisons of repeated surveys carried out over long periods can yield information about the long-term rate of aggradation (i.e., sediment build-up) or degradation (i.e., loss of sediment), effects of restoration projects along the river, and can inform decisions about infrastructure maintenance and repairs and proposed restoration projects.


It should be noted  that a project to retrofit the San Clemente Dam at RM 19 will affect the gradation and supply of sediment to the lower river.  The dam no longer traps bedload sediment (the portion of the sediment load that tends to roll or saltate) and currently, fine grained material is moving past the dam.  If the dam remains in place, fine-grained material will continue to flow past the dam.  If the dam is removed, it is likely that in addition to fine-grained material, coarse-grained material will begin to move past the dam in the foreseeable future.  Thalweg profiles and cross-sectional data are one of the key monitoring methods in evaluating the effects on the streamside corridor from these different types of sediment.


Previous MPWMD Survey Work


MPWMD conducted the first detailed long profile thalweg survey (a survey of the lowest point along the channel) of the lower 15.5 miles of the Carmel River channel in 1984.  This survey gathered data at approximately 100-foot intervals using a surveyor’s level, but was not referenced to a spatial grid (i.e., a coordinate system).  A follow-up survey referenced to the State Plane coordinate system was conducted in 1993 along the lower five miles of the river using an electronic distance meter and total station.  The 1993 survey included data that defined the limits of vegetation and the beginning and ends of pools, riffles, and glides.  Several shorter surveys (also on State Plane coordinates) with a similar data set have been conducted in association with MPWMD-sponsored restoration projects.


In 1995, MPWMD contracted with Central Coast Surveyors to set 12 permanent survey control points in the vicinity of six different bridge locations[1].  The bridges are located along the river as shown below.  The control points were set using Global Positioning System receivers and referenced to a control point in the CALTRANS High Precision Geodetic Network.  These control points serve as intermediate check points for surveys along the river.


Bridge  ___         Owner[2]      ___                         RM[3]                                            Comment

Via Mallorca          Hacienda Carmel                  3.24         Two-lane bridge.


Valley Greens        MCPWD                                4.82         Two-lane bridge


Schulte Rd.            MCPWD                                6.70         One-lane bridge


Don Juan               MPRPD                                  10.78       One-lane bridge


Boronda Rd.          MCPWD                                12.69       One-lane bridge


Rosie’s                   MCPWD                                14.45       Two-lane bridge


It should be noted that due to limited access into the riverbed, gathering detailed survey work along the channel bottom may involve long hikes in difficult terrain.  If the riverbed is dry at the time a survey is performed, MPWMD will grant access into the riverbed near Rancho San Carlos Road for a four-wheel drive vehicle.  However, at this time (August 2007), the only portion of the river accessible to a four-wheel drive vehicle is  between approximately San Carlos Road Bridge and the upstream end of the Carmel River lagoon.  MPWMD staff believe it may be possible to access additional dry portions of the river with a small, all-terrain vehicle (ATV).  If an ATV is to be used during survey work, please contact Larry Hampson at (831) 659-2543 for additional details.   Vegetation along the channel bottom in some reaches has encroached toward the center of the channel and may obstruct direct line-of-sight views needed to set survey control and gather data.  Portions of the stream corridor are densely vegetated along the streambanks, which can make cross-section data gathering time consuming.  Poison oak, stinging nettle, and rattlesnakes are common throughout the streamside corridor.


Approach and Scope of Work


Tasks and the percentage of the budget to be used for each task are shown below.  MPWMD staff is requesting that up to $30,000 be made available for this work.  The portion of the budget to be used for each task is approximate and is intended to be a guide in carrying out tasks.  The percentages shown may be modified based on field conditions and/or recommendations made by the Consultant for the work.


Task 1 (50%) –  Obtain Long Profile.  Gather thalweg data along the bottom of the river channel between the upstream end of the Carmel River lagoon (near RM 0.5) and the confluence of Klondike Creek with the main stem (near RM 15.5).  Data shall be of a sufficient density along the profile to show pools, riffle, glides, and other significant features.  Where the channel bottom profile is relatively constant, data shall be gathered at intervals of no more than 50 feet between points.  Work shall proceed from downstream (near the lagoon) and shall extend  upstream.  Horizontal accuracy shall be to +/- one foot and vertical accuracy shall be to +/- 0.1 foot.


Profile data shall be provided as a spatially referenced file (NAD 1983 and NAVD 1988) and in drawings at a horizontal scale of 1 inch = 200 feet and a vertical scale of 1 inch = five feet (all drawings no larger than 24 in. x 36 in.).


Task 2 (20%) – Obtain Cross-Sections.  Gather cross-section data at 17 bridge locations between the upstream end of the Carmel River lagoon (near RM 0.5) and Esquiline Road (Rosie’s) Bridge (at RM 14.5).  Four cross-sections shall be surveyed at each bridge (at the upstream and downstream ends of the bridge and at 100 feet upstream and downstream).   Cross-sections shall be approximately perpendicular to the alignment of the active channel.  Cross-sections closest to each bridge shall extend to the lowest elevation of the bridge deck at minimum.  Cross-sections up and downstream of each bridge shall extend to the top of the highest streambank.  Horizontal accuracy shall be approximately +/- one foot and vertical accuracy shall be to +/- 0.1 foot.


Cross-section data shall be provided as a spatially referenced file (NAD 1983 and NAVD 1988) and in drawings at a horizontal scale of 1 inch = 40 feet or 1 inch = 20 feet with a vertical scale appropriate for the horizontal scale (i.e., at a 10:1 scale).  An acceptable alternative is to provide a file with spatially referenced cross-section end points and cross-section data and individual cross-section drawings.


Task 3 (5%) – Conduct Pebble Counts.  Pebble count data shall be gathered and reported using the methods cited in “Application of the Pebble Count: Notes on Purpose, Method, and Variants,” G. Matthias Kondolf, Volume 33, No. 1, pp. 79-87, February 1997, Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  A minimum of ? pebble counts shall be conducted for each mile surveyed along the channel bottom.


Task 4 (10%)Set Survey Control.  Survey control shall be set near the following bridge locations:


Rancho Cañada Bridge No. 5 (farthest downstream golf cart bridge)

Rancho San Carlos Bridge

Robinson Canyon Road Bridge


Survey control points shall be set in a fashion and accuracy similar to those set with the 1995 Central Coast Survey.  Control points shall be set by a Land Surveyor licensed by the California State Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.


Task 5 (15%) – Prepare Report.  A report shall be prepared that presents results and describes the equipment and methods used to gather and analyze data. 


Project Deliverables:


Any reference articles, books, publications, or software purchased specifically for this study shall be provided to MPWMD.  Data input and output files from computer analysis shall be provided in both a digital and paper format.  A final report shall be provided in an acceptable digital (e.g., Word, PDF) and paper format. 




It should be noted that the scope of Tasks 1 and 2 may be amended in order to maintain project costs within the proposed budget.  The scope of Task 3 will depend in part on the final scope of Tasks 1 and 2.  Tasks 4 and 5 are expected to be completed within the proposed budget. 


Professional Services


Up to $30,000 to be expended on a time-and-materials basis.  See estimated costs for professional services.




It is anticipated that survey work would commence soon after issuance of a notice to proceed (i.e. during late August or early September 2007). All work will be completed within six months of authorization to proceed and signing of standard contract documents.



[1]. MPWMD, May 20, 1995.  Survey Control Points Established with GPS Methods, Lower Carmel River (Rivermile 1.0 to 15.5), Prepared for Monterey Peninsula Water Management District by Central Coast Surveyors, Seaside, California.

[2]. Owner or responsible agency.  MCPWD = Monterey County Public Works Department, MPRPD = Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

[3] RM = River Mile, measured from the ocean along the approximate center of the channel