2. |
Date: |
October 14, 2008 |
Budgeted: |
No |
From: |
Program/ |
Project |
Manager |
Programming |
Line Item No.: |
4-1-3 |
By: |
Estimate: |
$49,772 |
Inder-Mohan S. Osahan |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee considered this item on October 14, 2008 and recommended __________________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: Since April 2008, the District’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Water Demand Division (WDD) staff has been working with the District’s consultant, Zone 24x7, to develop a new database (DB) system. During this time, staff has been working on the user interface and functionality of the new system. To complete the WDD-DB project, including development of a Users’ Manual and staff training, an additional $49,772 is needed. Funds for this work have been carried over from previous years’ budgets and are available in the District’s general operating reserve fund. A proposal for the additional work by Zone 24x7 was negotiated by staff and is included as (Exhibit 2-A). The cost for the additional work by Zone 24x7totals $44,772 and includes the items below:
1) Invoice Module
2) Time Tracking Module
3) Enforcement Module
4) User Guide for the new system
5) Training for staff on the new system
In addition to the work by Zone 24x7, additional systems integration and technical support by CJM Networking is needed for a not-to-exceed amount of $5,000.
staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to amend
the District professional services agreement with Zone 24x7, for a fixed price amount
of $44,772 to develop, deploy and maintain the new WDD database system. The payment schedule is based on tasks to be completed
and accepted by District staff (Exhibit 2-A). In addition, staff recommends that the Board authorize
an additional $5,000 for systems integration and setup technical support from
CJM Networking for the testing and implementation of the new database system. The total expenditure for the two consultants
will not exceed $49,772. The Administrative
Committee considered this matter at its October 14, 2008 meeting and voted ______
to recommend ________.
BACKGROUND: WDD staff and the CTO have been working with software vendor, Zone 24x7, on clarifying the functionality of the new system. There is regular communication and clarifications provided for each module that is being designed and built as per the adopted project plan. WDD staff has taken full ownership of the project so that they will be able to design the user interface and functionality with technical assistance from the CTO. The requirements and needs of the WDD were detailed in the original scope of work and design of the new software. As time has progressed, changes have been made to accommodate the new rules and regulations that have passed since the project started in April 2008. Zone 24x7 has been cooperative and included these changes as needed and continued with the remaining modules to be developed with a change in scope of work that has already been agreed upon.
Currently, the project is scheduled to be completed by July 2009 and WDD staff has been providing the quality assurance needed for the proper functionality of the system.
IMPACT ON STAFF AND RESOURCES: The District’s FY 2008-09 budget includes $288,000 under Objective 4-1-3, Database Project Programming, for this effort. If this new work is approved, the additional $49,772 will be transferred from the District’s general operating reserve fund in February 2009 as part of the mid-year budget adjustment
WDD staff and the CTO will continue to work with Zone 24x7 as the new software is being developed. Regular meetings are required to ensure that the software being developed is based on the requirements that were included in the original Request for Proposals. WDD staff has been working with the consultant to ensure that the program works as designed and has seen the first demonstration of the new software. It is anticipated that District staff will continue to be contributing 16-20 hours a week as the project nears completion.
2-A Zone 24x7 Amended Proposal