EXHIBIT 3-AGolden State Planning and Environmental Consulting, Inc.

988 Fountain Avenue  Monterey  California  93940

Tele.:  831-372-1314/email: sundt@goldenstateplanning.com




June 5, 2009


Henrietta Stern

Project Manager

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

P.O. Box 85

Monterey,  California  93942-0085


Re:  Consulting Services




On behalf of Golden State Planning and Environmental Consulting, Inc. (GSPEC), thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide professional consulting services relating to the Water Distribution System permit processing, preparation of Implementation Guidelines, and other tasks as assigned by the MPWMD for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.  I have attached the information you have requested pertaining to continuing services.


Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.






Matthew Sundt






Task 1 – Permit Processing


GSPEC staff will continue to work with MPWMD staff to process pre-applications and WDS applications.    


Program 2-8-1:  Permit Processing Assistance is 100 percent reimbursable = $20,000


Task 2 – Implementation Guidelines, Streamline Procedures and Public Outreach


This task relates to assisting District staff in streamlining the application process, editing forms, and creating easy to understand guidelines with which the applicant can proceed through the WDS process.   


Program 2-8-5: Permit process streamlining and public outreach is not reimbursable = $15,000




GSPEC hourly rate:  $90/HR.


The contract amount for the period commencing July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2010 is $35,000. 




GSPEC will provide services to the MPWMD on a time and materials, and on an as needed basis as directed by MPWMD staff for the period commencing July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2010.




GSPEC will continue to invoice by itemizing and differentiating between pre-applications, WDS permits and the Implementation Guidelines so as to facilitate reimbursement from the applicant to MPWMD.







Downloaded from GSPEC e-mail, revised by H. Stern, 6/1/09