4. |
Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Conduct
A Test Installation of A Sonic Fish Counting Device in the |
Meeting Date: |
February 12, 2010 |
Budgeted: |
Yes, if Mid-Year Budget Adjustment is approved |
From: |
Darby W. Fuerst, |
Program |
Project Expenditures |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
2-3-1 |
Prepared By: |
Cost Estimate: |
$14,900 |
General Counsel Review: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee considered this item on February 12, 2010 and recommended ___________________________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
Board will consider authorizing the General Manager to enter into a contract with
Peter Johnson, Senior Research Scientist of the firm LGL Northwest for an initial
amount of $8,318, with the option of short-term extensions up to a not-to-exceed
total of $14,900, to (a) reconnoiter the lower eight miles of the Carmel River mainstem
to identify one or more optimal installation sites for a Dual Frequency
Identification Sonar [DIDSON] device, (b) provide and temporarily install a
DIDSON device at one site for up to ten consecutive days, if needed, and (c) provide a letter report assessing the effectiveness of
this short-term installation of the device in enumerating immigrating adult steelhead,
and if possible also larger emigrating juvenile steelhead in the Lower Carmel
River. District staff selected
Mr. Johnson for this work because of the consultant’s familiarity with, and
demonstrated success in installing and operating DIDSON devices at multiple
locations in California for other government agencies, including the California
Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). Mr.
Smith is also the primary vendor recommended by the hardware manufacturer as
being the most experienced individual utilizing their hardware on the West
Coast, including the
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve expenditure of the funds in the not-to-exceed amount of $14,900 to contract with Mr. Peter Johnson of the firm LGL Northwest to: (a) identify one or more optimal installation sites for a DIDSON camera device in the lower eight miles of the Carmel River mainstem, (b) provide and temporarily install a DIDSON device at one site for up to ten consecutive days, and (c) provide a letter report assessing the effectiveness of this short-term installation of the device in enumerating immigrating adult steelhead in the Lower Carmel River. The Administrative Committee considered this matter at its February 12, 2010 meeting and recommended ___________.
BACKGROUND: The District
designed, constructed, and operates and maintains the fish counting weir on the
San Clemente Dam (SCD) fish ladder as an integral component of our overall
environmental monitoring program. Though
the Mitigation Program for the MPWMD Water Allocation Program does not
specifically require this monitoring element, it is clear that data on the
status of the steelhead run in the
In 1997, steelhead in
One serious shortcoming with the existing fish counting device is that it is 18.6 miles upstream of the mouth of the river. It is roughly estimated that currently 40% or more of the total run does not pass San Clemente Dam. These 18.6 miles below SCD contain significant spawning habitat for adult steelhead in the main-stem of the river, as well as in five major tributaries. The quality and quantity of spawning habitat is likely increasing in the mainstem of the lower river each year, due to the ongoing habitat restoration efforts of the District and other non-profit community partners. There is evidence from redd surveys conducted annually by the District that the number and proportion of adults spawning in the lower river may be increasing in recent years. Thus, moving the fish counting site as far downstream as possible could demonstrate an as yet un-enumerated increase in the size of the total steelhead run, and would at least allow us to report an annual number that more accurately represents the total steelhead run size. Since the NMFS recovery goal under the ESA is based on the total run size of steelhead, without a counting location that enumerates the vast majority of adult immigrant steelhead, there will be ongoing uncertainty as to whether the recovery goal has been met.
In a prior Staff Report to the Board on June 16, 2008 (Technical Memorandum 2008-01), staff identified the problems with attempting to install a replacement mechanical fish counting device in the lower river, and identified that acoustic sonar technologies were likely the most feasible alternative to enumerate fish passage in the lower river. DIDSON is the latest generation of such technology ( Other than boat-towed side-scan sonar, this is the only sonar technology that generates low-resolution images of the actual objects being observed by the acoustic beam. Older technologies provide only numeric output that must be mathematically interpreted by an algorithm to make a probability-based decision as to whether the object observed is actually a fish vs. debris or some other fluid-density anomaly.
Changes last year to the rules
for the CDFG’s, Fisheries Restoration Grants Program (FRGP) now allow
applications to support the costs for long-term monitoring of key anadromous
fisheries populations. Since the Carmel
River run of steelhead is the only long-term database of steelhead abundance
available south of the Russian River, and also the only one within the South
Central Coast Distinct Population Segment listed under the Federal ESA, the
FRGP is likely to place a significant priority on supporting the District to
continue the monitoring of this population.
If this pilot project is successful, it will be used to justify a grant
application in excess of $80,000 for the purchase of a DIDSON to install in the
The consultant believes it is
likely that he can prove the efficacy of the DIDSON on the
IMPACT ON FISCAL AND STAFF RESOURCES: A similar amount of funds to the contract proposed in Exhibit 4-A were initially requested by staff for inclusion in the original Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget, but eliminated during the budget development process due to the District’s concerns about the risk of the potential loss of property tax revenues. The funds to cover this expense are being reallocated from Line Item No. 2-3-2 B., Water Resource Assistants and Line Item No. 2-3-2 C., Seasonal Fish Rescue Workers. This is made possible by the early closure of the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility in November 2009, which reduced the need for temporary staff. This reallocation still leaves a full month of staff time for June for two future Fish Rescue Workers, and two existing Water Resources Assistants, as well as some part time hours for one of the Water Resource Assistants through May of this Fiscal Year. It is anticipated that the work under this contract will be completed in March 2010.
4-A Cost Estimate provided by Mr. Johnson