



Meeting Date:

March 9, 2010





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.:     N/A


Prepared By:


Rick Dickhaut

Cost Estimate:

See Discussion

General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Bank of America (BofA) originally proposed a fee of 1.0% to renew the District’s $2.5 million line of credit with an interest rate at the Bank’s prime rate plus 0.25%.  After further negotiation, BofA has subsequently proposed to renew the line of credit in the amount of either $1.0 or $1.5 million at a fee of 0.5% and at the same interest rate mentioned above, if the district is willing to deposit an additional $500,000 into a new money market account at an increased interest rate.  The funds in the District’s current money market account would also be placed into the new account at a higher interest rate (see Background section of this staff note for more detailed information).  At the direction of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the District’s Chief Financial Office (CFO) requested a proposal from First National Bank which was the other bank that responded to the District’s 2008 request for proposal for the line of credit.  Staff is also in the process of contacting other banks to see if they would be interested in submitting a proposal and will give a verbal update to the Administrative Committee at its meeting.           


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommendation is pending receipt of additional information. 


BACKGROUND:  In October 2008, the District entered into a Loan Agreement with BofA to establish a $2.5 million line of credit.  The interest rate was equal to the bank’s prime rate minus 0.75%.  The line of credit officially expired on January 31, 2010, but BofA has approved renewal and extended the expiration date pending negotiation of new terms.  The terms proposed by BofA for renewal of the $2.5 million line of credit is an increase in the interest rate from the Bank’s prime rate minus 0.75% to prime rate plus 0.25% and a renewal fee of 1% ($25,000) of the amount of the line of credit.  BofA indicated that the proposed increases were due to changing economic conditions and the fact that the District has utilized only a small portion of the line of credit while the bank had to reserve the total amount for our use. 


This matter was discussed at the Chair/Vice-Chair meeting on February 26, 2010, and as directed by the Chair and Vice-Chair the CFO began to gather information to get new proposals for the District’s line of credit.  Specifically, as suggested by the Vice-Chair, the CFO had a discussion with Roland Pascua of First National Bank (FNB).  During that discussion, the CFO indicated that the District might be looking to replace the District’s current line of credit with BofA because of an increased interest rate and renewal fee proposed by BofA.  After further discussion, he indicated that FNB would also charge a similar fee in that situation and that he didn’t feel that the 1% was unreasonable.  While he indicated FNB would likely be interested in providing a proposal for a line of credit, he said that he would need to review the District’s latest audited financial statements before doing so.


The CFO also contacted the BofA representative and told him of the direction from the Chair and Vice-Chair.  However, based on previous suggestions from him on how to lower the costs, the CFO asked him how the bank could reduce the renewal fee and/or interest rate if the amount of the credit line was reduced and the District deposited additional funds with BofA.  He has since offered to renew the line of credit for $1.5 million with a fee of 0.5% ($7,500) or $1.0 million with a fee of 0.5% ($5,000) at the Bank’s prime rate plus 0.25%.  Additionally BofA has offered to open a new money market account paying an initial rate of 0.65% and transfer funds from the District’s current money market account (currently paying 0.33%) if the District is willing to transfer an additional $500,000 from the Local Agency Investment Fund (currently paying 0.60%) into the new account.  


Based on the proposals received for the current line of credit, if the District were to establish a new line of credit with a different bank, we could expect to pay up to $5,000 in setup costs, and the new bank would almost certainly require that we transfer all of our operating and investment accounts from BofA, and possibly the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund.  That would require a considerable effort from staff to set up new checking and money market accounts, direct deposits of employee’s paychecks, etc., and the District would incur additional costs for replacement check stock and other bank related supplies.  Also, as indicated by Mr. Pascua of FNB, we would likely be back in the same situation with the new bank if we did not substantially utilize the full amount of the line of credit in the upcoming year.








