


Meeting Date:

August 13, 2012





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental Quality



Line Item No.: 

Program Item No. 2-3-8




Prepared By:

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:

$16,300 (Reimbursable)


General Counsel Review: N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on August 13, 2012, and recommended _______________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Staff is requesting authorization to expend reimbursable, budgeted funds for a contract amendment with Whitson Engineers, Inc. to complete design work for removal of the 140-foot long Sleepy Hollow Ford across the Carmel River and replacement of the ford with a clear-span bridge.  The contract amendment would include a constraints analysis for construction of the bridge and specifications for erecting the bridge superstructure chosen for this site.  The District currently has a reimbursement agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to expend up to $114,300 for design work.  CDFG is expected to approve an amendment to the existing grant agreement for this additional work in early September 2012.  If approved by the District Board, the project design plans and specifications would be completed within 60 days of execution of the amendment and allow the project to remain on schedule for construction in the summer of 2013. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board approve funds to complete the design plans and specifications for the Sleepy Hollow Ford Removal and Bridge Replacement Project.  If this item is approved with the Consent Calendar, the General Manager would be authorized to amend the existing agreement with Whitson Engineers, Inc. for professional services to increase the not-to-exceed total cost by up to $16,300, with the understanding that the amendment would be contingent upon executing an amendment to the existing grant agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game for reimbursement of these costs. 


BACKGROUND:  The ford contains an 80-foot long by 10 foot wide by three feet high concrete barrier with seven 18-inch culverts across the main stem of the Carmel River at River Mile 17.5 (RM, measured from the ocean).  The project includes the design of a 180-foot clear span in place of the existing stream crossing, which currently provides limited, seasonal access to the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility (SHSRF).


CDFG approved funds for this work in accordance with the process to implement the Settlement Agreement (Agreement) with the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and California American Water (Cal-Am).  The Agreement addresses impacts to the Carmel River from Cal-Am diversions.  At their April 11, 2011 meeting, the District Board authorized the expenditure of up to $114,300 (100% reimbursable) for studies and design work.  During the first phase of design, Cal-Am and CDFG selected clear span superstructure manufactured by Big R Bridge for the site.  Selection of this particular superstructure involves additional engineering analysis that was not included in the original scope of work. 

Whitson Engineers, Inc. proposal to provide additional services at a cost of $16,300 is attached as Exhibit 3-A.  The work would include a constructability analysis of the access route from Carmel Valley Road through the Sleepy Hollow subdivision and identification of physical constraints to construction at the bridge site.  In addition, specifications would be completed for erecting the chosen superstructure and connecting it to the bridge abutments.  If approved, work would be completed within 60 days.

CDFG has stated that another grant agreement for construction of the bridge will be issued to the District in the fall of 2012.  Construction of a new bridge would provide reliable year-round access to the District for operations at the SHSRF and increase the flexibility of operations.  In addition, a bridge at this location would allow the future removal of the Old Carmel River Dam (OCRD), located approximately 0.8 miles upstream of the ford.  Removal of the OCRD is proposed to be carried out by Cal-Am and the State Coastal Conservancy with the San Clemente Dam Removal and Carmel River Reroute Project.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  A significant staff effort has been expended in planning and coordinating the grant proposal and administering the grant agreement for this project.  This current item will be a continuation of that effort.  Staff estimates that the value of District in-kind services for the grant will be approximately $15,000, which is expected to be funded primarily from Mitigation Program revenue.



3-A      Whitson Engineers, Inc., March 15, 2012 Revised Proposal to provide Additional Engineering Services


