3. |
Date: |
October 14, 2013 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
David J.
Stoldt, |
Program/ |
Augment Water Supply |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
1-5-1 / 5-7860.10 |
By: |
Hampson |
Estimate: |
$ 40,000 |
General Counsel Review: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on October 14, 2013 and recommended ___________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
proposes to retain Schaaf and Wheeler, Consulting
Civil Engineers to consider flow availability for diversion from the Reclamation
Ditch near Davis Road to supply a portion of the source water for the Monterey
Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) Groundwater Replenishment
Project (GWR). Transfers of source water
flowing in known and definite channels, such as the Reclamation Ditch, out of
the Salinas Valley to the Monterey Peninsula would be a consumptive use that
may require an appropriative permit from the State Water Resources Control
Board (SWRCB). MPWMD desires to retain a
qualified consultant to provide hydrologic information and analysis that may be
used in a permit application to the SWRCB.
A scope of work is attached as Exhibit 3-A, which describes tasks including analysis of data relating to Reclamation Ditch watershed flows, potential downstream changes, and an identification of capacity in the existing wastewater collection system to accept additional flow (Note: Task 4 will be deleted). MPWMD staff will coordinate project work with MRWPCA, City of Salinas, and others as necessary. Work is expected to take about three months and would provide technical and institutional information that can be used in the Environmental Impact Report for the GWR Project and in considering making a permit application to the SWRCB.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the expenditure of up to $40,000 in budgeted funds for analysis of flow availability for diversion from the Reclamation Ditch near Davis Road to supply a portion of the source water for the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency Groundwater Replenishment Project. The Administrative Committee considered this matter at their October 14, 2013 meeting and voted to _____________. If this item is adopted with the Consent Calendar, the General Manager would be authorized to enter into an agreement for services with Schaaf and Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers for $37,580, with a contingency of an additional $2,420 for a total not-to-exceed of $40,000. It is expected that these costs will be included in the overall GWR budget and the District’s share will be 75%.
IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES: Funds for this work are identified in the proposed FY 2013-14 Budget, Program Line Item 1-5-1, Augment Water Supply – Groundwater Replenishment Project. The proposal from Schaaf and Wheeler, Consulting Civil Engineers anticipates expenses of $37,580, which does not include funds for Task 4, Identify Water Quality Limitations (this task will being carried out by MRWPCA). The difference between the proposal and staff recommendation is $2,420, which allows for a 6% contingency.
BACKGROUND: MRWPCA and the District (MPWMD) are working cooperatively to develop the Monterey Peninsula Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Project. Initially, source water from the Salinas Valley will be required in order to meet the project yield for injection into the Seaside Groundwater Basin (SGB) and extraction from the SGB to the California American Water delivery system that supplies the Monterey Peninsula.
The Reclamation Ditch (Ditch) drains a 157 square-mile area that includes headlands, agricultural areas, the City of Salinas, the Castroville area, and a part of Prunedale. The Ditch, created between 1917 and 1920, is a network of excavated earthen channels used to drain surface runoff generated in the watershed. The Ditch is a major drainage channel that flows from east to west through Salinas and continues west where it drains into Tembladero Slough, then the Old Salinas River Channel, and ultimately into Moss Landing Harbor through the Potrero Tide Gates.
The Reclamation Ditch is virtually perennial west of the City of Salinas at a point downstream of agricultural and urban development. According to USGS estimates, flow west of Salinas at the San Jon Road gage (about two miles downstream of Davis Road) only ceased on three days between 1971 and 1985, and on those days, standing water was probably still present throughout most of remainder of the Reclamation Ditch. The presence of standing water is reflective of historical conditions, since the area was a system of lakes. However, the presence of dry-season flow is a consequence of dry-season urban discharges and agricultural tailwater. Annual runoff at the USGS gage station at San Jon Road (drainage area of 106.5 square miles) for Water Years 1971-2012 has averaged 11,220 AFA.
Schaaf and Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers have previously prepared studies and models of the Reclamation Ditch for the Monterey County Water Resources Agency and are familiar with the Reclamation Ditch system and it’s interactions with Tembladero Slough and the Salinas River.
3-A Schaaf and Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers Proposal for Services: Evaluation of the Reclamation Ditch as a source of supply for the Groundwater Recharge Project.