


Meeting Date:

June 12, 2014





David J. Stoldt,


WDS Permitting


General Manager

Line Item No.:

2-8-2 and 2-8-5-A




Prepared By:

Henrietta Stern

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on June 12, 2014 and recommended _________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:   The Board will consider authorizing the General Manager to amend an existing contract with Pueblo Water Resources, Inc. (Pueblo) to authorize a maximum of $7,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-2015 (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015) to continue to help District staff carry out MPWMD Rules and Regulations governing Water Distribution Systems (WDS), specifically in regards to hydrogeologic review of well pumping test reports and related tasks.  The $7,000 limit would be allocated in two parts, which would be tracked separately in each monthly invoice as follows:


Program 2-8-2, “Hydrologic Impact Review,” with up to $3,000 as 100% reimbursable from applicants; and


Program 2-8-5-A, “Technical Procedures Update,” with up to $4,000 as non-reimbursable.


Exhibit 6-A is the proposed scope of work and cost estimate from Pueblo for FY 2014-2015.  The proposed $7,000 total limit is a 46% reduction from the $13,000 budgeted in FY 2013-2014.  This is due to the greatly reduced reimbursable budget for review of hydrogeologic assessments in WDS applications ($3,000 as compared to $9,000 last year) due to streamlining changes in the WDS permit process brought about by Ordinance No. 160, effective May 21, 2014.    The non-reimbursable work for the technical procedures update remains at $4,000 because this work was not completed last year due to other pressing water supply projects.  With the new rules and Implementation Guidelines associated with Ordinance No. 160, as well as changes in Monterey County well regulations, consultant assistance is needed to help the Water Resources Division revise the technical procedures information for WDS permit applicants. 


The hydrogeologic review will be primarily associated with Level 3 Permits under the new system.  The applicant must show that a well (or other water source) will reliably meet the applicant’s needs, will not harm neighboring systems, or harm the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System or Sensitive Environmental Receptors as defined in District Rule 11.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to amend the current District professional services contract with Pueblo for a not-to-exceed amount of $7,000 for FY 2014-2015, as described above, assuming the FY 2014-2015 budget is adopted by the Board. If this item is adopted along with the Consent Calendar, staff will immediately execute a contract amendment with Pueblo.


BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION:  Pueblo has been retained since June 2006 to assist staff with WDS permit processing on an as-needed basis.  All amounts are maximums; only actual hours of service are billed.  Invoiced hours submitted by consultants for review of each application are reimbursed by the applicant before the applicant receives the signed WDS permit. It is noted that Pueblo’s rates have increased as compared to recent years.  The Pueblo hydrogeologist who performs most of the work is now a Principal Hydrogeologist billed at the rate of $185 per hour as compared to $165 last year as a Senior Professional.  This should not adversely affect the District for the $3,000 component that is 100% reimbursable by applicants.  Only the $4,000 amount for technical procedures would be nominally affected by this increase (21 hours vs. 24 hours of work).   


Pueblo’s rates are competitive with other consulting firms with experienced, registered hydrogeologists.  Pueblo is very knowledgeable about local hydrogeology and MPWMD procedures, and is considered to be cost-efficient for this work.  Pueblo also has contracts with the District for Aquifer Storage and Recovery tasks and related assessments in the Seaside Groundwater Basin.   


Continued WDS applications are expected due to restrictions on the availability of California American Water supply for new construction and remodels.  Consultant assistance is essential to adequately process permit applications in compliance with the State Permit Streamlining Act and to help the Water Resources Division address technical questions relating to the WDS process. 


IMPACT TO DISTRICT RESOURCES:  Pueblo’s technical work is directed by the MPWMD Water Resources Division Manager, with billing managed by the Project Manager (Planning & Engineering Division).  Since July 2010, funding has been budgeted to the P&E Division as Pueblo’s work is part of the WDS permit process.  Pueblo’s work product is used as evidence in preparing WDS permit documents, including formal Findings of Approval.



6-A      Pueblo Water Resources Scope of Work and Fee Schedule for FY 2014-2015




