


Meeting Date:

July 11, 2016





David J. Stoldt,


1-2-1 A & B


General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Joe Oliver &

Jon Lear

Cost Estimate:




Operations $184,748


Engineering $300,729

(not reimbursable)


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on July 11, 2016 and recommended _________.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Ongoing work associated with the Monterey Peninsula Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project is planned for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17.  To facilitate this planned work, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD or District) has requested proposals from the firm that has been providing assistance on the ASR project, Pueblo Water Resources (Pueblo).  The first proposal is for Operations Support (Exhibit 4-A); the second proposal is for Engineering Support (Exhibit 4-B).  These are separate proposals as the costs associated with Operations Support are subject to reimbursement under MPWMD’s management and operations agreement with California American Water (CAW) for the ASR project, while costs associated with Engineering Support relate to planned facility improvements at the MPWMD ASR site and are not subject to reimbursement under this agreement.  The Pueblo proposals describe the tasks necessary to accomplish this work in greater detail; key elements of each proposal are briefly described below.


Operations Support -- Operations support to MPWMD staff is proposed for preparation of required operations reporting, provision of technical assistance during the upcoming Water Year 2017 ASR season, implementation of scheduled well rehabilitation at the ASR-3 well, and completion of baseline injection testing at the ASR-4 well.


Engineering Support -- Engineering support to MPWMD staff is proposed for site expansion design/engineering, ASR well soundproof enclosure and turbidimeter designs, and backup well design/specifications.  The District has been working to acquire the necessary approvals for a modest expansion of the Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) site on General Jim Moore Boulevard in Seaside (a.k.a. Santa Margarita ASR site, Water Project 1).  This site expansion is needed in order to accommodate the space for underground utility pipelines to the on-site facility building, to allow an increase in the size of the backflush basin, and to facilitate re-orientation of the driveway pattern at the reconfigured site for delivery vehicle access.  The proposed site expansion from the existing 1.09 acres to 1.91 acres is shown in Exhibit 4-C. 

RECOMMENDATION:  District staff recommends authorization to amend the existing contract with PWR for technical services for:  (A) Operations Support as described in Exhibit 4-A, for a not-to-exceed amount of $184,748, and (B) Engineering Support as described in Exhibit 4-B for a not-to-exceed amount of $300,729.  If approved, staff will process contract amendments for these amounts in order to continue work on the ASR project without delay.  The requested funding authorization includes a 10% contingency which would only be utilized based on written request and authorization by the District.


IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES:  Planning, design, construction and operation of the Phase 1 (Santa Margarita) and Phase 2 (Seaside Middle School) ASR project facilities are ongoing significant staff commitments, as reflected in the District’s Strategic Plan.  Funds for this work are included in the MPWMD FY 2016-17 budget under Line Items 1-2-1 A. 1 to 2, and B. 1 to 2 (adopted June 20, 2016).  District staff will continue to coordinate with CAW on all work elements applicable for direct reimbursement.


BACKGROUND:  When the Phase 1 ASR site was originally conceived in the 2001-2006 period, it was intended as a stand-alone project facility.  Since then, the project designs have been modified in order to accommodate the added capacity needs of other existing and proposed ASR sites in the Seaside Basin.  Specifically, expanded water treatment and well backflushing facilities are planned for the capacity needs of these other ASR sites, and this has necessitated an expansion of the site footprint.  To enable full functioning of the site, the existing facility building must be connected to new underground raw and finished (i.e., treated) water delivery pipelines which currently have their terminal connection points outside the existing easement area adjacent to General Jim Moore Boulevard.  Accordingly, over the last several years the District has been working with the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA), which is the responsible agency for unexploded ordnance cleanup and property transfer of former Fort Ord lands, and the City of Seaside, which is slated to ultimately receive properties in this area of former Fort Ord, to acquire the additional strip of land needed to accommodate the pipeline placement and expanded backflush basin area.  Assuming the expansion area will soon be authorized, the District plans to complete the design and construction of this infrastructure.


The proposed work described in this item represents a continuation of past efforts on the Phase 1 and 2 ASR facilities, with technical assistance from Pueblo.  Given the current knowledge base and capabilities of the Pueblo staff, District staff believes that it is most prudent and efficient to extend the existing contract with Pueblo, to avoid delays and potential for duplicative work on the project.  Pueblo is prepared and able to initiate this work in accordance with the current requested schedule, and has successfully accommodated other past short-notice schedule changes on both the Phase 1 and 2 ASR project work elements.  By retaining Pueblo for this work, there is greater assurance that the District’s and CAW’s ASR project plans will be well coordinated and cost effective.



4-A      Monterey Peninsula ASR Project, Proposal for FY 2016-17 Operational Support Services

4-B      Monterey Peninsula ASR Project, Proposal for FY 2016-17 Engineering Services

4-C      Proposed Expansion, Santa Margarita Well Site plan map


