2. |
Meeting Date: |
January 18, 2017 |
Budgeted: |
No |
From: |
David J. Stoldt |
Program/ |
Water Supply
Projects |
General Manager |
Line Item: |
N/A |
Prepared By: |
Maureen Hamilton |
Cost Estimate: |
$15,000 NTE |
To be reimbursed by Cal-Am |
General Counsel Review:
Yes |
Recommendation: The Administrative
Committee reviewed this item on January 18, 2016 and recommended
________________. |
Compliance: Addendum to EIR |
SUMMARY: Staff proposes to amend an existing contract with Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. (DD&A) to assist with the preparation of an Administrative Addendum to the Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment (PWM/GWR) Project EIR for a proposed realignment of a section of the Monterey Pipeline. Based on a review of the preliminary plans, the pipeline realignment is not expected to create new significant environmental impacts or substantially increase the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The preliminary determination is that an Administrative Addendum is appropriate (see Exhibit 2-A).
The recommendation is to authorize MPWMD funds not-to-exceed (NTE) $15,000 for this purpose. Funds will be transferred from Budget Item 1-9-1, the “Cal-Am Desal Project”, which has been deferred to the next fiscal year. The additional funds needed for this project will be included in the mid-year budget adjustment to be issued in February 2017.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the General Manager to contract with Denise Duffy and Associates for a not-to-exceed amount of $15,000 for preparation of an Administrative Addendum to the PWM/GWR Project EIR for the proposed realignment of a section of the Monterey Pipeline.
Cal-Am is constructing the Monterey Pipeline that will be able to convey water in two directions (Exhibit 2-B):
(1) from the Carmel River via the Monterey Peninsula to the existing Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells;
(2) and from the Seaside Basin extraction wells to the Cal-Am distribution system.
Please refer to Exhibit 2-C for a map overview of the Monterey Pipeline and the proposed realignment.
The Monterey Pipeline alignment, referred to as the Alternative Monterey Pipeline in the certified PWM/GWR Project EIR, encounters a localized high point at the intersection of Cypress and Hoffman at elevation 295 feet, please refer to the Exhibit B map. Hydraulic calculations show the maximum elevation of the pipe should not exceed an elevation of 258 feet in order to meet ASR injection criteria. The proposed realignment has a maximum elevation of 243 feet. Additionally, the following is true regarding the proposed realignment:
· There is no change in linear feet between the current alignment and proposed realignment; both alignments are approximately 2,350 linear feet.
· The proposed realignment is located within the City of Monterey Public Right-of-Way in paved streets.
· All appurtenances (valves, etc.) are located within the City of Monterey Public Right-of-Way.
· No additional staging area is proposed.
· No relocation of existing utilities or facilities is anticipated.
CEQA Section 15162 (b) allows that when changes to a project or its circumstances occur after adoption of a negative declaration, the lead agency shall determine whether to prepare a subsequent negative declaration, an addendum, or no further documentation if a subsequent EIR is not required; please refer to Exhibit E. When MPWMD approved Cal-Am’s application to Amend the Water Distribution System (WDS) Permit #M16-01-L3 to include the Hilby Avenue Pump Station and Monterey Pipeline, MPWMD became the Lead Agency under CEQA. Please refer to Exhibit D Section 5.3.
Based on a review of the proposed realignment, the preliminary determination is that an Administrative Addendum would be appropriate because the realignment is not expected to create new significant environmental impacts or substantially increase the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The Administrative Addendum sections and analysis will document the preliminary determination per CEQA Guidelines sections 15162 and 15164.
DD&A has extensive experience providing similar services in connection with a number of infrastructure related projects. In addition, DD&A also has direct and relevant experience having prepared the underlying environmental documentation for the PWM project and the Addendum for the Hilby Avenue Pump Station project, which included the Monterey Pipeline. As a result, DD&A is uniquely qualified to assist MPWMD with the mitigation monitoring and reporting requirements needed for this project. The proposal is attached as Exhibit 2-A.
2-A Proposal for Environmental Services for Monterey Pipeline CEQA Addendum from DD&A
2-B Proposed Alignment Revision to Pure Water EIR
2-C Proposed Alignment Revision to Pure Water EIR – Overview
2-D Decision on California-American Water Company’s Application for Approval of the Monterey Peninsula Supply Project Specifically in Regards to Phase 2
2-E CEQA Sections 15162 and 15164