3. |
Meeting Date: |
August 14, 2017 |
From: |
Dave Stoldt, |
General Manager |
Prepared By: |
Stoldt |
General Counsel Review:
N/A |
Committee Recommendation:
The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on August 14, 2017 and
recommended _____________. |
CEQA Compliance: This action does not constitute a project
as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section
15378. |
SUMMARY: There are two pending efforts to model the Seaside Groundwater Basin for which District funding will be required: Geochemical Modeling and Recalibration and Updating of the Basin Model. Each is summarized below.
Geochemical Modeling: There are potential changes in groundwater quality as a result of the introduction of new sources of water to the Seaside Basin from the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP.) In its original form, wells from the Seaside Basin draw from “ancient” water that has resided for many years, as well as some natural replenishment from precipitation. Since 1998, Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) has injected Carmel River water for later recovery. With the expected completion of the MPWSP in a few years, Pure Water Monterey water and desalinated water will be injected in the basin for later recovery. The potential interactions of these various sources of water needs to be investigated in order to ensure the long-term integrity of the basin. For example, a few years ago, arsenic concentrations in groundwater in Orange County spiked in a transient fashion later determined to be linked to injection of reverse osmosis water manufactured by the Orange County Water District Groundwater Replenishment Project. The geochemical model to be developed will examine the interactions of the different water types and the aquifer mineralogy. Exhibit 3-A attached provides an overview of the need for geochemical modeling. Such a modeling effort is expected to cost up to $50,000 and should be cost-shared by the District, Monterey One Water, and California American Water Company. A cost-sharing arrangement has not been determined. If each party, was responsible for 1/3rd of the estimated cost, the District’s share would be $16,667. If the District was responsible for its portion of the Pure Water Monterey cost (75% of 33% of the cost), an additional $12,500 would be required, for a total of $29,167.
Recalibration and Updating of the Basin Model: As shown in Exhibit 3-B, the Seaside Basin Watermaster is considering recalibrating and updating its Seaside Groundwater Basin Model in 2018. The Model was developed for the Watermastcr by its consultant, HydroMetrics WRI, and was provided to Pure Water Monterey for use in performing modeling studies for the Pure Water Monterey groundwater replenishment project. The Watermaster has asked that the District and Monterey One Water participate in cost-sharing. Such a modeling effort is expected to cost $46,000 and should be cost-shared by the District, Monterey One Water, California American Water Company, and non-Cal-Am pumpers. A cost-sharing arrangement has been proposed by the District and Monterey One Water as shown in Exhibit 3-C which the Watermaster has not yet agreed to. The cost sharing proposed would have the District cover 8% of the costs directly, as well as the District’s portion of the Pure Water Monterey cost (75% of 42% of the cost), for a total of $18,170.
Adequate funds for both studies have been identified in the adopted Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Committee recommend Administrative Committee approval of a not to exceed amount of $30,000 for the District’s share of geochemical modeling in FY 2017-18 and an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the District’s share of recalibration and updating the basin model. On August 8, 2017, the Water Supply Planning Committee voted 3 – 0 to recommend approval.
3-A PowerPoint on geochemical modeling
3-B Funding request and scope of work for recalibration and updating of basin model
3-C Cost sharing proposal for recalibration and updating of basin model