
CONSIDER FUNDING AN ADDENDUM TO THE MPWMD Aquifer Storage and recovery project environmental impact report/environmental assessment


Meeting Date:

June 11, 2018





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item:



Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on June 11, 2018 and recommended ________________.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.




















SUMMARY:  Staff proposes to enter into a contract with Denise Duffy & Associates, Inc. (DD&A) to assist with the preparation of an Addendum to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (ASR EIR/EA) for a proposed project to expand the percolation basin and construct a screening wall (Project).  A proposal for services will be presented at the committee meeting. Based on a review of the preliminary plans, the Project is not expected to create new significant environmental impacts or substantially increase the severity of previously identified significant impacts. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to contract with Denise Duffy and Associates for preparation of an Addendum to the ASR EIR/EA for the proposed Project in an amount not-to-exceed (NTE) $17,185, with a 10% contingency for a total authorization NTE $19,652.   


BACKGROUND:  The ASR EIR/EA, adopted August 22, 2006, evaluated the environmental impact for the Phase 1 ASR Project located at the Santa Margarita site, including a 240,000-gallon backflush basin.  Mitigation measures to reduce the significant impacts to less-than-significant level were adopted. 


Addendum 1 to the ASR EIR/EA, adopted April 23, 2012, evaluated the Phase 2 ASR Project located at the Seaside Middle School site and found that there would be no significant adverse effects on the environment with implementation of mitigation measures presented in the ASR EIR/EA. 


Facilities evaluated in Addendum 1 included a backflush basin to be constructed at the Seaside Middle School site.  Due to school district requirements, the backflush basin was never constructed at the Seaside Middle School site.  Backflush water from Seaside Middle School site is conveyed to the Santa Margarita backflush basin.  The Santa Margarita backflush basin can accommodate the additional backflush water only if backflushing is performed on different days.


Cal-Am will construct two additional ASR wells at the Fitch Park site.  These wells will be used to inject and recover desalinated water, and to recover water from the Pure Water Monterey project.  The Fitch Park site does not have room to accommodate a backflush basin.  The Fitch Park backflush water will be conveyed to the Santa Margarita backflush basin.  The backflush basin is not sized to accommodate backflush water from six wells in one work week, and thus must be expanded.


Additionally, as the facility has been operated over the years and as new projects have been vetted, site requirements have evolved.  Changes to the Santa Margarita site are required and will be included in the proposed Addendum, including:

·         Second driveway onto General Jim Moore Boulevard to allow disinfectant delivery trucks to pull through the site.

·         Front screening wall

·         Sound walls


Based on a review of the proposed changes, the preliminary determination is that an Addendum would be appropriate because the Project is not expected to create new significant environmental impacts or substantially increase the severity of previously identified significant impacts.  The Addendum sections and analysis will document the preliminary determination per CEQA Guidelines sections 15162 and 15164.


DD&A has extensive experience providing similar services in connection with a number of infrastructure related projects. In addition, DD&A also has direct and relevant experience having prepared the underlying environmental documentation for previous ASR project Addendums. As a result, DD&A is uniquely qualified to assist MPWMD with the preparation of an Addendum for this project. 



Proposal for Environmental Services for Monterey Pipeline CEQA Addendum to be provided at the meeting





