
CONSIDER Expenditure of Funds for deferred MAINTENANCE OF the ACCESS ROAD to the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility


Meeting Date:

January 19, 2022





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental




Line Item No.: 

2-3-1 C Road



Prepared By:                  

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on January 19, 2022 and recommended ____________.

CEQA Compliance:  Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities.


SUMMARY:  Under terms of the 1994 lease agreement for the Sleepy Hollow Facility (Facility), the District and California America Water share responsibility for maintaining the privately owned access road from Carmel Valley Road to the Facility.  Since 2019 when significant road work was carried out, the road condition has steadily degraded – especially with last December’s rains.  Cal-Am estimates the cost of current repairs to be $27,000, which includes filling potholes with base rock, constructing drainage improvements, and repairing sections of asphalt.  Staff proposes to reimburse Cal-Am up to $9,950 for the work, which would be carried out when the road is dry and will be managed by Cal-Am personnel.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Administrative Committee should recommend that the Board approve the funds for deferred road maintenance and direct the General Manager to reimburse California America Water up to $9,950 for repair work.


DISCUSSION:  The Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility is accessed from Carmel Valley Road over an approximately one-mile single lane dirt road on Cal-Am property east of Carmel Valley Village.  The lingering effects of the 2020 Carmel fire in combination with wet conditions result in periodic erosion along the road, development of potholes, and damage to asphalt sections. 

MPWMD requires access to the site on a daily basis when steelhead are being raised and on a frequent basis at other times of the year.  Travel over the road – especially during wet periods – tends to magnify damage of deteriorated sections and makes repairs more expensive if delayed for too long.


IMPACTS ON STAFF AND RESOURCES:  Staff will propose a mid-year budget adjustment in the FY 2021-2022 budget Program line item 2-3-1 C. Road Maintenance to increase this item by $9,950.




