
Consider Approval of Funds and a Contract for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility rearing channel rehabilitation Project


Meeting Date:

November 7, 2022





David J. Stoldt,

General Manager


Protect Environmental




Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:                  

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item on November 7, 2022, and recommended ________.

CEQA Compliance:  Exempt under §15301 Existing Facilities.


SUMMARY:  Staff proposes to contract for maintenance work for the rearing channel at the District’s Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility (Facility).  Bids for the project were received on October 28, 2022, from three General Contractors as shown in the attached Exhibit 2-A.  Bids were responsive to all requirements in the Notice Inviting Bids.  The low bidder was Tyman Construction at $642,998.  The next highest bidders were  Monterey Peninsula Engineering at $934,500 and Granite Rock Company at $1,169,800. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $650,000 to $750,000. 


The FY 2022-23 budget adopted on June 20, 2022, included $750,000 for rehabilitation projects at Sleepy Hollow. This line item includes funds previously authorized by the Board to close out the contract for installation of quarantine tanks ($12,000) and to carry out planning and engineering ($33,000). Staff requests the Board authorize $739,500 for the rearing channel work, which would require a mid-year budget adjustment of an additional $34,500 in the Sleepy Hollow Rearing Channel line item for a total line item budget of $784,500..


RECOMMENDATION:  The Finance and Administration Committee should recommend that the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Tyman Construction for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Rearing Channel Rehabilitation Project in an amount not-to-exceed $643,000. Due to the unknowns associated with this work, staff is requesting approval of a contingency amount of $96,500 (15% of the contract amount) for unforeseen circumstances and engineering consultant services for a total project cost of $739,500.


DISCUSSION:  The Facility was initially constructed in 1996 and was intended to be operated on a temporary basis to mitigate for impacts to Carmel River steelhead from water diversions until a replacement water supply was constructed. It has been modified on several occasions to address issues with operations and to add components necessary to successfully rear steelhead rescued from the Carmel River.   

The Hypalon liner along 800 feet of the channel has reached the end of its design life and leaks in several places, despite being frequently patched (where possible). This threatens the integrity of the rearing channel walls and liner that could collapse from sinkholes developing under the channel.  In addition, the drain line was not designed for staged removal of steelhead It is undersized and difficult to operate when removing steelhead as the facility is shut down and the fish are returned to the river.


Due to the work required to excavate and replace the drain and to replace the liner, existing infrastructure along the channel needs to be removed and replaced (air and water lines); however, the PVC air and water lines have been constantly exposed to UV and the elements for 26 years and have started cracking in places and have required repairs. These lines are also close to end of life in this facility and would likely need to be replaced in the near future.


Bid advertisements were placed three times with the Monterey County Weekly; the project was placed on (a comprehensive cross-agency database of California public works construction projects and documents); and staff reached out via email to several contractors.  Six contractors attended the site walk through and three bids for the project were received on October 28, as shown in Exhibit 2-A.  Bids were responsive to all requirements in the Notice Inviting Bids.  The low bidder, Tyman Construction,  was $642,998 and has 5 years of experience in contracting, including projects with local private entities, the Cities of Santa Cruz and Monterey,  the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and Napa County Public Works. The Engineering Manager at Napa County characterized Tyman Construction as being able to carry out quality work under extreme time pressures and working extended hours to meet deadlines. When asked about experience installing a liner similar to the EPDM required liner for the Facility, Tyman Construction responded that the company has installed pond liners in the past (the methods for installing liners, whether made of PVC or EPDM, are similar).


The work involves removal of about and replacement of 700 feet of an underground six-inch drain line, removal and disposal of the existing 800-foot long Hypalon liner, removal and reinstallation of a cobble layer in the riffle sections, installation of a concrete bottom with a new EPDM liner, and approximately 2,400 feet of air, fresh water, and saltwater lines. The work site has limited as-built information; is in a remote area; access is subject to rockfall and debris slides; and conditions under the rearing channel are not well characterized. For these reasons, staff is asking for a 15% contingency for unforeseen conditions and for additional engineering consulting work.


CEQA:  The California Environmental Quality Act Section 15301 exempts maintenance of existing facilities, including those under section (i).


“ Maintenance of fish screens, fish ladders, wildlife habitat areas, artificial wildlife waterway devices, stream flows, springs and waterholes, and stream channels (clearing of debris) to protect fish and wildlife resources; ”


IMPACTS ON STAFF AND RESOURCES:  Funds for this work are budgeted under Sleepy Hollow Operations Budget Program line item 2-3-1-L Design/Construct Rearing Channel and Quarantine Tank Improvements.  The FY 2022-23 budget adopted on June 20, 2022, included $750,000 for completing the installation of quarantine tanks, planning and engineering, and rearing channel work. If this item is approved, the total authorized funds for the program line item would be $784,500, an increase of $34,500 over the budgeted amount. A mid-year budget adjustment would be made to account for the budget increase.


The work would be performed under the direction of the Project Engineer. 



2-A      Bid Summary and Forms


U:\staff\Board_Committees\FAC prev Admin\2022\20221107\02\Item-2.docx