


Meeting Date:

June 12, 2023





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Jonathan Lear

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item on June 12, 2023 and recommended _________________.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.






















SUMMARY:  The District’s Carmel River Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project is operated under a cooperative agreement between the District and California American Water (Cal-Am.). Under this agreement, the District operates the wells during injection season and collects and reports data required to meet permit requirements for the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights (DWR) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.  The District also provides data to the Seaside Groundwater Basin Watermaster (Watermaster) related to the Storage and Recovery agreement between Cal-Am and the Watermaster.  


In the past, the District retained Pueblo Water Resources (PWR) on an annual basis to support District staff with the fieldwork, data collection, conduct supervision of unanticipated emergency repairs, and report preparation to operate the ASR Project in all phases of operation and comply with permit requirements.  PWR was selected because their expertise and knowledge of the Project’s equipment, operations, reporting, and regulation allow their team to efficiently plug into any component of the program efficiently and provide support with little notice and direction.  No other firm has the direct qualifications and experience on this project to match what PWR has to offer the District.


Following the repeal of the shelter in place related to COVID-19, District was able to re-staff positions in the Water Resources Division and now has the staffing level to perform contractor supervision when emergency repair or maintenance is needed to ASR facilities.  Moving forward, District staff proposes to continue to use PWR for permit level compliance and project performance guidance and to contract with Maggiora Brothers Drilling to perform repairs and maintenance to ASR wells and facilities when needed.  Instead of using PWR to hire and supervise drilling consultants, District staff will hire and supervise drilling consultants.  This change will remove any mark up for sub-contractors through PWR performing work on the ASR facilities and result in cost savings for the District. 


DISCUSSION:   PWR has 19 years of experience in supporting this particular project, is familiar with the ASR procedures and regulations, and therefore is able to plug in quickly with little spin up time when their services are needed.  Most recently, PWR assisted the District in successfully enrolling the Carmel River ASR Program in the General Permit to Inject Drinking Water at the RWQCB.  Additionally, as the project infrastructure ages through normal wear and tear, components break down and need repair to maintain the functionality of the program.  The District is proposing to contract directly with a C-57 contractor (Maggiora Brothers Drilling) to repair the infrastructure and use District staff to supervise the work.  


Staff proposes to retain PWR to support the District with permitting and project performance support on an as-needed basis and to contract with Maggiora Brothers Drilling for facility repair and maintenance over the WY 2024 ASR season for an amount not to exceed $25,000 and $50,000 respectively. 


RECOMMENDATION:  The Finance and Administration Committee should recommend that the Board authorize District staff to use PWR on an as-needed basis, not-to-exceed $25,000 and contract with Maggiora Brothers Drilling in an amount not-to-exceed $50,000 to support the District with WY 2024 ASR operations.


BACKGROUND:  The District has an existing contract with PWR signed May 29, 2019, all work completed under this contract for WY 2024 operations will be conducted under an amendment to the existing contract.  Exhibit 9-A is the PWR fee schedule for 2023-2024.  The District does not currently have an existing contract with Maggiora Brothers Drilling.  Exhibit 9-B is the proposed contract with Maggiora to perform maintenance and repairs to the ASR facilities.  Currently there repair work that needs to be completed to the Seaside Middle School Monitor Well and the referenced contract covers the cost these repairs.  Exhibit 9-C is an Operational Memo to File that documents the needs for repairs to the monitor well.  Should additional repairs be needed during the WY 2024 operational year, the additional tasks will be conducted under a separated amendment to this contract.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Funds for this project are included in the FY 2023-24 budget under “Water Supply Projects,” line item 1-2-1.  Funds expended to complete this work will be shared between the District and Cal-Am through the ASR Management and Operations agreement between the District and Cal-Am.



9-A      Pueblo Water Resources, Inc. 2023 Fee Schedule

9-B      Contract with Maggiora Brothers

9-C      Operational Memo to File Documenting Damage to Seaside Middle School Monitor Well


U:\staff\Board_Committees\FAC prev Admin\2023\20230612\09\Item-9.docx