Suggested CAC Report Development Approach and Format


Section of Report


Prepared by

Executive Summary


CAC Subcommittee




Introduction and Purpose


District staff

Why/when CAC formed by MPWMD Board


Describe charge:  working committee, specific task to describe merits and drawbacks of projects listed on MPWMD Comparative Matrix, Parts 1-A, 1-B and II


Committee members and appointing director


Appendix A – final charge to the committee





Administrative History


District staff

Meeting dates and topics of discussion


Dates that draft and final CAC reports were prepared


Action minutes of each CAC meeting


Mention that audio recordings of all meetings are available


Appendix B – agendas and action minutes for all meetings





Overview of Projects Listed on MPWMD Comparative Matrix Parts 1-A, 1-B, and II

District staff

Briefly explain what the MPWMD Comparative Matrix is and its purpose


List the 7 water supply project alternatives evaluated in the MPWMD Comparative Matrix in the order reviewed by the CAC


Provide a brief (2 paragraph) description of each project evaluated in the MPWMD Comparative Matrix


Note where on MPWMD website one can learn more about these projects


Appendix C – MPWMD Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives Parts 1-A, 1-B and II





Procedure for Committee Review of Each Project Listed on the MPWMD Comparative Matrix

District staff

Describe process whereby committee members pose questions in advance of the meeting, hear a presentation, discuss and ask questions, briefly (verbally) summarize merits and drawbacks of project at meeting, and submit written comments within two weeks of meeting.






Assessment of Merits and Drawbacks for Each Project listed on the MPWMD Comparative Matrix

CAC Subcommittee

Incorporate written comments on merits and drawbacks of each project into the Master Table of Project Merits and Drawbacks – Appendix C





Concluding Remarks

CAC Subcommittee






Staff & CAC Subcommittee


CAC Final Charge



Agendas and Action Minutes of Committee Meetings



MPWMD Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives Parts 1-A, 1-B and II, October 2006



Written Comment Letters Submitted by Committee Members (organized by committee member name in alphabetical order)



