Appendix B
Approved February 6, 2007
1. All CAC members are to ask the Chair to be recognized before speaking. In addition to facilitating an orderly meeting, this procedure will enable the Chair to state the member’s name before h/she speaks. The latter will ensure CAC members and others listening to meeting recordings to identify each speaker’s comments.
2. Ordinarily, the Chair will set no time limit on CAC members when making their comments. Members are asked to be concise and avoid redundant comments, especially if the only purpose is to attempt to convince others to accept her/his perspective.
3. Citizen comments will only be taken when shown on the agenda, and normally limited in time as indicated thereon.
4. All CAC members and public speakers are expected to be respectful of others’ expressed opinions, and refrain from personal attack. Remember to criticize the issue or point, not the person.
5. The Chair will caution any public speaker who fails to confine her/his comment to the subject or time limit indicated on the agenda, and will be asked to stop or quickly conclude her/his remarks. The Chair reserves the right to declare any person out of order, if h/she deliberately refuses to abide by such caution or becomes disorderly.
6. Audible expression from any person the Chair has not recognized to speak is not acceptable.
7. The Chair retains the exclusive right to facilitate each meeting in accordance with State law, the CAC charge, and these meeting procedures, and to make other decisions necessary to ensure the efficient and orderly conduct of each meeting, including voting procedures, if needed; unless overruled by a majority of CAC members present.