Community Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

June 25, 2007


Members Present:

Janet Brennan - League of Women Voters

Bob McKenzie – Monterey County Hospitality Association (arrived at 3:05 PM)

Tom Rowley – Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association

Roy Thomas – Carmel River Steelhead Association (arrived at 2:25 PM)

Dewey Baird

Ron Chesshire

Bruce Crist (Left the meeting at 3:30 PM)

Robert Greenwood

Sheryl McKenzie


Members Absent: 

Paul Bruno (notified in advance of absence)

Peter Dausen (notified in advance of absence)

David Dilworth

Manuel Fierro (notified in advance of absence)

Greg Pickens (notified in advance of absence)


District Staff Present: 

David A. Berger – General Manager (and CAC Chair)

Andy Bell – Planning and Engineering Division Manager

Heidi Quinn – Associate Counsel

Arlene Tavani – Executive Assistant



Peter McLaggen of Poseidon Resources Corporation


1.                  Call to Order


2.                  Comments from Public

No comments. 


3.                  Receive Action Minutes of April 23, 2007 and May 29, 2007 Committee Meetings

When a quorum was established, the minutes of both meetings were received unanimously.


4.                  Presentation on the Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project Proposed by the Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District

Peter McLaggen gave the presentation.  Questions were asked by Brennan, Rowley, Greenwood, Crist, Chesshire, Baird, Sheryl McKenzie and Thomas.  Mr. McLaggen agreed to provide a written response to the questions that Bruno had submitted prior to the meeting.


5.         Public Comment on the Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project Proposed by the Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District

            Steve Leonard, California American Water, stated that he had not met with representatives of Poseidon regarding a cooperative project.  Mr. Leonard noted that he did meet with Joe Rosa and Marc Del Piero of Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District regarding a water supply contract, but they have not responded to the inquiry.


6.         Committee Comments on the Monterey Bay Regional Desalination Project Proposed by the Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District

            A summary of those comments is provided as Attachment 1.


7.         Approach to Development of Final Report and Report Format

            On a motion by Bob McKenzie and second by Rowley, the committee voted unanimously to establish a five-person subcommittee to prepare the draft report for presentation at the August 27, 2007 meeting.  Committee members Brennan, Chesshire and Bob McKenzie volunteered to serve on the subcommittee.  Committee Chair Berger was authorized to contact committee members that were not present and determine if two of them would serve on the subcommittee.


8.         Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM.



Note:  An audio recording of the meeting is available for review and copies can be purchased.  Contact Arlene Tavani at 658-5652 or  Written comments submitted by committee members are also available upon request.


