Community Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

February 6, 2007


Members Present:

Janet Brennan - League of Women Voters

Paul Bruno - Water For Us

David Dilworth – Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment (HOPE)

Bob McKenzie – Monterey County Hospitality Association

Roy Thomas – Carmel River Steelhead Association;

Dewey Baird; Ron Chesshire; Bruce Crist; Peter Dausen; Manuel Fierro; Robert Greenwood; Sheryl McKenzie


Members Absent: 

Lupe Garcia – LandWatch of Monterey County

Tom Rowley – Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association


District Staff Present: 

David Berger – General Manager

Andy Bell – Planning and Engineering Division Manager

Henrietta Stern – Project Manager

Arlene Tavani – Executive Assistant


1.         Call to Order

            The meeting was called to order at 2 PM in the Conference Room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.


2.         Comments from Public

            No comments. 


3.         Review Committee Charge, Meeting Procedures, and Committee Report Development/Format

            A.        Citizens Advisory Committee Charge

General Manager Berger reviewed the charge.  There were no comments from the committee or the public regarding the charge.


B.         Meeting Procedures and Decorum Rules

            General Manager Berger reviewed the meeting procedures and decorum rules.  Committee members Fierro, Dilworth, Dausen, Brennan, Crist, Thomas, Sheryl McKenzie and Bob McKenzie commented.

            Mr. McKenzie made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Bruno to adopt the Meeting Procedures and Decorum Rules with the following changes: (a) item 3, add the word “normally” before the word “limited;” (b) item 5, add the word “public” before the word “speaker;” and (c) item 6, delete the words “Clapping, heckling or other oral” and replace with the word “audible.”  The motion was approved unanimously.   There were no comments from the public on this item.



C.        Agenda Format and Meeting Schedule

            All committee members voiced their preference for the location and start time of future committee meetings.  There was consensus that the committee would meet on the fourth Monday, at 2 PM in the MPWMD conference room.  The May 28 meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, May 29, and the September 11 meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, September 11 due to conflicts with state and national holidays.  


            Committee members Brennan, Bruno, Dilworth, Fierro and Thomas commented on the priority order in which water supply projects listed on the Matrix would be discussed. 


There was a suggestion from the committee that written comments submitted by committee members to District staff be forwarded to the entire committee.  General Manager Berger advised that he would check with District Counsel to determine if this would be allowed under the Brown Act.  The committee also requested that the three-minute time limit on individual committee member comments be removed from future agendas. There were no comments from the public on item C.


D.        Approach to Developing Report and Report Format

            There was consensus that at each meeting comments made by committee members on the merits and drawbacks of the project should be recorded at the meeting using flip charts, or a computer and LCD projector.  A printout of the comments could be attached to the action minutes of the meeting.  All committee members spoke to these suggestions.  Mr. Crist and Ms. McKenzie volunteered to serve as recorders.  There were no comments from the public on item D.


E.         District Staff Support

            Andy Bell, Planning and Engineering Manager, distributed copies of the Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives, Parts 1-A, 1-B, and Part II; and copies of the June 26, 2006 Seawater Desalination Projects Evaluation prepared by Bookman-Edmonston/GEI.


4.         Adjourn

            The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 PM.



Note:  An audio recording of the meeting is available for review and copies can be purchased.  Contact Arlene Tavani at 658-5652 or  Written comments submitted by committee members are also available upon request.






