
committee review and comment on the final draft report from the community advisory committee to the mpwmd board of directors


Meeting Date:

September 11, 2007





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Attached as Exhibit 4-A is the Final Draft Report from the Community Advisory Committee to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors.  A subcommittee comprised of Janet Brennan, Manuel Fierro, Peter Dausen, Ron Chesshire and Bob McKenzie met on July 26 and August 14, 2007 to develop the report.  The subcommittee authored the Executive Summary, and District staff prepared all other sections of the report consistent with the format approved by the committee on its June 25, 2007. 


The report was first distributed to the committee in advance of the August 27, 2007 meeting.  That meeting was cancelled due to an apparent lack of a quorum, based on information received from committee members that could not attend.  A few modifications have been made to the report since then.  They are listed below.


1.        Introduction and Purpose section; heading titled Procedure for Committee Review of Each Project Listed on the Matrix.  A sentence was added to the first paragraph, “An outline of each report can be viewed on the District’s website at”  Similar language was also added to the Appendix D title page (Minutes of Committee Meetings).


2.        Introduction and Purpose section; heading titled Procedure for Committee Review of Each Project Listed on the Matrix.  In the second paragraph, the second sentence was amended to read, “This summary is included in the Report as the Executive Summary and was presented to the full Committee for review prior to the cancelled August 27, 2007 meeting and again in advance of the September 11, 2007 final review.”


3.        Appendix C, Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives, was expanded to include the October 16, 2006 staff report that describes the Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives and was provided to the Committee at their first meeting on February 6, 2007.


4.        Appendix F, Questions and Answers Submitted in Writing, has been added to the report.  It contains questions that were submitted by Committee members in writing to staff on the water supply alternatives discussed.  The answers to the questions are also included, if they were responded to in writing by the project sponsors.


Individual committee members should review and comment on the Final Draft Report at this meeting.  This will be the last opportunity to identify any additional merits and drawbacks on each of the seven projects they may wish to have incorporated into the Final Report, which is scheduled for receipt by the MPWMD Board of Directors on September 17, 2007.


RECOMMENDATION:   The CAC should review the Final Draft Report, make any desired changes, and approve the report for submission to the Board of Directors on September 17, 2007.



4-A      Final Draft Report from the Community Advisory Committee to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors


