Impacts/Response to Draft Cease and Desist Order
Adopted March 17, 2008
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is an ad hoc committee formed for the sole purpose of a) discussing potential impacts on the community that could occur if the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopts the draft Cease and Desist Order that its staff issued on January 15, 2008 against California American Water; and b) recommending to the District Board strategies to address negative impacts of the draft Cease and Desist Order. The CAC shall complete its review process and submit a written report for consideration by the Board of Directors at its April 21, 2008 meeting.
2. Process
The CAC will meet immediately and as many times as necessary to fulfill this charge. The CAC meets the definition of a “legislative body” as defined by the Brown Act; therefore, all meetings shall be noticed and open to the public in compliance with the Brown Act.
3. Composition and Structure
a) The CAC is comprised of 14 members who shall reside within the boundaries of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. Seven of the members shall each represent a different community group.
Each Director appoints two (2) members to the CAC,
based on the following criteria:
Appointee No. 1 – Must reside within the
District boundaries and represent a community group. The District maintains a list of groups that
have expressed an interest in participating on the committee. This list is
available as a resource to the appointing Director; however, it is not required
that representatives be chosen from the list.
Appointee No. 2 – Must reside within the District boundaries. The appointee may be associated with a community group, but will not be officially representing any community group.
c) Appointment of individuals to the CAC will be acknowledged and documented by adoption of the CAC member list on the Board’s consent calendar.
d) A quorum of eight (8) CAC members shall be required for an official meeting to be conducted. Action may be taken by majority vote of those CAC members present.
e) The General Manager will serve as Chair to the CAC, for purposes of facilitating meetings. District staff will provide support to the committee as appropriate.
4. Responsibilities of the Committee
Meet as needed after March 18 and submit a final report on the committee’s findings/recommendations to District staff by April 15, 2008, for presentation at the April 21, 2008 Board meeting.