Legislative Advocacy Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

March 14, 2014




Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am in the MPWMD conference room.




Committee members present:

David Potter, Chair


Robert S. Brower, Sr.


Bill Thayer





Staff members present:

David J. Stoldt, General Manager


Sara Reyes, Office Services Supervisor




District Counsel present:

David C. Laredo




Consultant present:

John Arriaga, JEA and Associates



Comments from the Public:

No comments.



Discussion Items



Strategy and Timeline for Senate Bill 936


Arriaga stated that this bill would authorize the Public Utilities Commission to issue financing orders to facilitate the recovery, financing, or refinancing of water supply costs.  It would authorize the District to issue water rate relief bonds if the commission finds that the bonds will provide savings to water customers on the Monterey Peninsula.  The first hearing of the Government Finance Committee is scheduled for April 2, 2014.  Arriaga suggested having a Board member as well as David Stoldt in attendance.  Brower stated he could attend on April 2, 2014 at 9:30 am.  The second hearing is scheduled for April 29, 2014.  It was suggested that the District obtain letters of support.




Review and Follow-Up on Discussion with Congressman Farr


Brower reported on his meeting with Congressman Farr.  He stated that the Congressman is very impressed with the Water Management District’s conservation efforts.  Congressman Farr stated he would like to see the Water Management District join forces with other similar agencies not connected to a state water project, to obtain state funding as well as federal funding for groundwater work. 




Discuss Governor’s Drought Relief Bill and Impact on IRWM Grant Funding


Arriaga stated that Governor Brown declared a drought emergency in January 2014.  In February, President Obama visited the Fresno area to study the status of valley water issues.  On March 1, the Governor signed SB 103 and 104 as a drought relief package.  IRWM was noted in the analysis for SB 104 as one of the key programs for providing long-term water supply to the state.





Update on Status of State Water Bond


Arriaga noted AB 1331 and SB 848 are bills that may be placed on the November 2014 ballot.  Several oversight committees have discussed SB 848 and concerns have been expressed that the bills do not address state needs and several amendments have been requested.  AB 1331 appears to be of interest to ACWA and the agency has provided suggested amendments to the bill.




Update on Meeting with SWRCB on Modifications to Cease and Desist Order


Laredo reviewed the proposal for petition to amend SWRCB Order WR 2009-0060 with the committee. 




Legislative Status and Tracking from John Arriaga


Arriaga distributed the most recent legislative tracking summary and provided updates on various bills.


Other Items:  There were no other items brought forward for discussion.



Set Next Meeting Date

No meeting date was set.




The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.





