Joint Meeting of the

Policy Advisory Committee and the

Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 3, 2009



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.


Committee Members Present

City of Carmel-by-the-Sea      PAC:    Paula Hazdovac               TAC:    Sean Conroy    

City of Del Rey Oaks             PAC:    Jeff Cecilio                      TAC:    Daniel Dawson

City of Monterey                    PAC:    Chuck Della Sala              TAC:    Todd Bennett

City of Pacific Grove              PAC:    Bill Kampe                       TAC:    Sarah Hardgrave

City of Sand City                    PAC:    David Pendergrass           TAC:    Steve Matarazzo

City of Seaside                       PAC:    Ralph Rubio                     TAC:    Tim O’Halloran

County of Monterey               PAC:    David Potter                    TAC:    Jennifer Bodensteiner  

Monterey Peninsula                PAC:    Mary Ann Leffel              TAC:    Absent

Airport District

Monterey Peninsula Water      PAC:    Kristi Markey, Board Chair

Management District             


Committee Members Absent

Monterey Peninsula                TAC:    Thomas Greer

Airport District


District Staff Members Present:

Darby Fuerst, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present: 

David Laredo


Comments from the Public

No comments were directed to the committee.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of November 4, 2008 Committee Meeting

            On a motion and second the minutes were received by the committee.


2.         Develop Recommendation to the Board Regarding First Reading of an Ordinance – Amendments to Regulation XIV, Water Conservation

            On a motion by Della Sala and second by Rubio, the committee voted unanimously to table discussion of this ordinance until the District had developed additional information.  The Board of Directors should take no immediate action on the ordinance, but it should schedule a hearing to review the ordinance and receive public comment.  The District should publish a one-half page advertisement in a local newspaper to promote the hearing, and issue a press release about the proposed ordinance and its connection with the draft Cease and Desist Order issued by the State Water Resources Control Board.  At a subsequent meeting, the Board could conduct first reading of the ordinance. The committee requested that the District schedule another joint meeting of the PAC and TAC to review additional information such as the amount of additional water the community must conserve, how much water could be saved as a result of the proposed rules, and the cost to conserve that water.    Mary Ann Leffel left the meeting at 9:20 AM, prior to the vote on the motion.


3.         Develop Recommendation to the Board Regarding First Reading of an Ordinance – Expansion of Rebate Program to Include Turf Replacement/Abandonment and Additional Commercial Water Using Fixtures

            Rubio offered a motion that was seconded by Potter that the committee support adoption of the ordinance, and that District staff consider establishing a maximum square footage of turf that would be eligible for a rebate, and increasing the rebate amount. The motion was approved unanimously.   It was suggested that District staff determine if the property owner must pay-back the rebate, in the event the artificial turf is removed.


Oral Reports

4.         Status of Draft Cease and Desist Order WR 2009-00XX Against California American Water

            District Counsel Laredo provided a summary of comments made at the September 2, 2009 SWRCB hearing on the draft cease and desist order.  An amended proposed order is to be prepared within two weeks, and a two-week public comment period will follow.  The order could be adopted by the SWRCB in October 2009.  Mr. Laredo responded to questions from the committee.


Comments by Policy and Technical Advisory Committee Members

No comments were received on any items not listed on the agenda. 



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:35 AM. 











