Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

August 7, 2006



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 AM in the District conference room. 


Committee members present:    Michelle Knight, Chair

 Kristi Markey


Committee members absent:     Alvin Edwards


Staff members present:              David A. Berger, General Manager

                                                Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                                Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant       


Comments from the Public

Tom Rowley, representing the Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association, stated that California American Water Company should not be allowed to recover from local rate payers the costs for development of the Coastal Water Project.   He suggested that a community advisory committee could be formed by the District to investigate costs for the Coastal Water Project and funding mechanisms.


Action Items

1.                  Receive Minutes of May 4, 2006 Committee Meeting

On a motion by Director Markey, the minutes were unanimously received on a vote of 2 - 0.  The motion was approved by Directors Markey and Knight.  Director Edwards was absent.


2.                  Develop Recommendation on Charge to Proposed Community Advisory Committee

Directors Markey and Knight agreed that at the August 21, 2006 Board meeting, the Directors should consider development a charge based on their review of the concepts related to formation of the CAC proposed during the discussion with community groups.   As for committee membership, the Board should endeavor to maintain a balance between the interests represented by the various community groups.  A list of the community groups that participated in the meeting is provided as Attachment A. 


            During the discussion there was consensus that committee members should reside within the District boundaries, and that government agencies should not participate on the committee.  Therefore, the U.S. Army, Navy and Coast Guard would not be eligible for committee membership.  Neither would the Housing Authority of Monterey County which had requested to participate.

            Shown below are the various options proposed by community group representatives for the committee function, size and membership.  No agreement was reached on a preferred option.


1.      Standing Committee with a narrowly defined focus:

Option A:      If the group works together well and comes to agreement on those focused issues, the scope of interest for the committee could be expanded.

Option B:      The committee charge should contain a clause that allows the Board to refer any item to the committee.  Not more than 15 committee members.


2.      Ad-Hoc committees established to focus on specific topics determined by the Board:

            Option A:      Membership open to anyone interested in participating

            Option B:      District staff contact groups appropriate to the item requiring discussion and invite them to participate.

            Option C:      Maintain a list of organizations, i.e.  “a core group” that could be contacted about participating on an ad hoc committee as issues arise.  District staff could invite other special interest groups to participate, if discussion on the topic assigned by the Board would be enhanced by additional input.


3.   Standing Committee with a broad scope that is not limited to items referred by the Board.  Committee members should be able to raise issues that are of interest to the community.


4.      Establish committee modeled after the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District’s Citizens Advisory Committee, which is a standing committee of 22 with two members appointed by each of the 11 Directors, and which provides input to the Board and staff on MBUAPCD proposed rule changes.


5.      No need for a new committee to be formed, as that is what the MPWMD Board is elected to do.


The meeting was recessed for 5 minutes.


Oral Report to Committee

3.         Status Report on 2006 MPWMD Open House and Production of Informational Video

            District staff reported that production of a short video that describes the District’s activities is under production in cooperation with Access Monterey Peninsula and my not be complete until early 2007.  The committee set a meeting date of August 30, 2006 at 9:30 AM to review and give final approval to the script.  An alternate date of September 1, at 9:30 AM was also selected.   Directors Knight and Markey agreed that it was not necessary for the full Board to approve the script.   They also agreed that the proposed October 26, 2006 Open House should not be deferred to coincide with release of the informational video.   They suggested that on the day of the Open House temporary signage should be placed throughout Ryan Ranch directing visitors to the District office. Concern was also raised about inadequate signage throughout Ryan Ranch and how difficult it is to locate offices and businesses in the office park.  General Manager Berger was asked to investigate if signage in Ryan Ranch could be improved.


            During the discussion, David Dilworth, representing Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment, requested that the October 26, 2006 Open House not be delayed.  He suggested that staff set up displays promoting MPWMD activities at other locations around the District as a way to educate the public about the MPWMD.


Set Next Meeting Date

The committee set a meeting date of August 30, 2006 at 9:30 AM to review and give final approval to a script for an informational video on the District’s activities.  An alternate date of September 1, at 9:30 AM was also selected.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.


























Attachment A


Representatives of Community Groups that Participated in the

August 7, 2006 Public Outreach Committee Meeting



Paul Bruno, Water for Us

Bob McKenzie, Monterey County Hospitality Association

Dick Donnegan, Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association

Tom Rowley, Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association

Jennifer James, Monterey County Association of Realtors

Sheryl McKenzie, Monterey County Association of Realtors

Glorietta Rowland, Coalition of Homeless Services Providers

Gwen Wells, Builders Exchange of the Central Coast, Inc.

David Dilworth, Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment

Robert Guidi, Presidio of Monterey, Directorate of Public Works

Janet Brennan, League of Women Voters of Monterey Peninsula

Lupe Garcia, LandWatch of Monterey County
















A Tavani/8-8-06/Public Outreach Committee minutes/4 pages