
Review the Timeline for Presentation of a Draft Ordinance that would Expand Incentives for Installation of Zero-Water Consumption Urinals and Consider if Public Outreach Regarding the Rebate Program and Conservation Incentives Should be Broadened


Meeting Date:

May 2, 2008





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager





Prepared by:

Stephanie Pintar




SUMMARY:  At its April 21, 2008 meeting, the Board referred an item proposed by Director Brower to consider additional incentives for Zero-Water Consumption Urinals to the Water Demand Committee.  The Board referred this item to the Water Demand and Public Outreach Committees.  As part of this referral, the Board also directed the Water Demand Committee to review and recommend changes to Regulation XIV, Water Conservation.


Public outreach regarding the rebate program is currently taking place by both MPWMD and California American Water (CAW).  CAW and MPWMD work together to communicate a mutual conservation message, including information about the joint MPWMD/CAW rebate program.  This year, CAW’s advertising has focused on outdoor water use, including information about rebates for irrigation system retrofits.  Winter advertising focused on indoor rebates.  A rebate-specific mailer was sent to Monterey CAW customers earlier this year.  MPWMD and CAW staffs provide rebate applications and information at various community events and meetings.  Both websites have rebate information and applications. 


MPWMD’s Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget does not include funds for public outreach.  The MPWMD logo and name are included in CAW’s conservation advertising as part of the joint conservation effort.  MPWMD staff reviews and provides input on CAW’s conservation outreach materials.  This joint outreach effort will continue with CAW providing funding for outreach.


DISCUSSION:  The Water Demand Committee has been tasked with reviewing incentives for installation of Zero-Water Consumption Urinals.  This discussion will be scheduled for a future Water Demand Committee meeting, possibly as early as June 2008.  Development of an ordinance, once the subject matter has been determined, generally takes many months and depends on the level of analysis and review needed to move the proposal forward.  At this time, the Water Demand Committee has not discussed additional incentives for Zero-Water Consumption Urinals, therefore, developing a timeline for an ordinance addressing this issue is premature.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Public Outreach Committee should discuss ways that outreach of the MPWMD/CAW rebate program can be increased at no cost.  The committee should also discuss budgeting for outreach efforts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.


IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES:  MPWMD conservation staff is currently working on a number of large projects, including testimony and hearings for the State Water Resources Control Board draft Cease and Desist Order (CDO), CAW Conservation Program filing testimony and hearings; CAW General Rate Case testimony and hearings; Ordinance No. 134 amending the Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan; and managing contracts for consultants related to the draft CDO, the Water Demand Division database project and Landscape Irrigation Water Auditors.








