3. |
Date: |
June 27, 2008 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
Fuerst, |
Program/ |
Manager |
Line Item No.: N/A |
By: |
Dickhaut |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: The Public Outreach Committee reviewed this item on June 27, 2008 and recommended ___________________. |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
SUMMARY: The District’s enabling legislation requires that the District prepare an annual written report of the activities of the District in the protection and augmentation of water supplies of the District. Following the distribution of the 2007 Annual Report, comments were received from two Directors regarding timing of the delivery of the report. The main constraint in the timing of production of the report is the requirement in the District’s enabling legislation that a public hearing be held regarding the contents of the report in March of each year. In order to expedite distribution of the report, the District may wish to investigate if holding the annual hearing before the March date as stated in the District’s enabling legislation would be permissible. District staff feels that distribution of the report could be expedited by having a print-ready final draft of the report ready for review at the applicable Board meeting, shortening the comment period, getting the document to the printer in a more timely manner, and giving the printer a shorter production schedule. Also, the District currently supplies an electronic copy to the printer in a Microsoft Publisher format, and the printer has indicated that production would be faster and easier if the District were to provide the report in an alternative format that is more widely used in the printing industry. This would also minimize the number of proofs that would need to be reviewed.
RECOMMENDATION: The Committee should examine the production and review schedule that was followed for the 2007 Annual Report and develop a schedule for the 2008 Annual Report.
BACKGROUND: The District’s enabling legislation
requires that the District prepare an annual written report of the activities
of the District in the protection and augmentation of water supplies of the
District. The legislation further
requires that a public hearing be held in March of each year regarding the
contents of the report before it is finalized.
The initial draft of the 2007 Annual Report as prepared by staff was
reviewed by the Public Outreach Committee on February 26, 2008. The committee suggested changes to the report
that were incorporated by staff prior to review by the full Board at its March
17, 2008 meeting. At the Board meeting,
Directors were given until March 24, 2008 to submit any written comments or
edits on the report. After the end of the comment period, staff made additional
minor changes to the report and added photographs. Final approval was received from the Chair of
the Public Outreach Committee on April 24, 2008. Quotes for printing and mailing the report
were received by early May and the document was electronically transmitted to
the printer on May 12, 2008. Following
staff review of several proofs from the printer and approval of the final
proof, the report was printed and delivered to the mailing house on June 2,
2008. The report was processed by the
mailing house that week and approximately 61,000 copies of the report were
delivered to the post office for mailing by June 6, 2008. Most District constituents received the
report in the mail the following week.