Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

September 23, 2014



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm in the Water Management District conference room.


Committee members present:

Kristi Markey

Brenda Lewis (participated by telephone)

David Pendergrass



Committee members absent:




District staff members present:

David Stoldt, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager                  

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant



Others present:

Steve Thomas, Thomas Brand Consulting



Comments from the Public:  No comments presented.


Action Items


Consider Adoption of Minutes of August 13, 2014 Committee Meeting


On a motion by Pendergrass and second of Markey, the August 13, 2014 committee meeting minutes were approved on a unanimous vote of 3 – 0 by Markey, Lewis and Pendergrass.



Discussion Items


Update on Public Outreach Activities in Progress


Stoldt reported that SB 936, the ratepayer relief legislation was signed by Governor Brown on September 19, 2014.  The Water Management District distributed press releases, and posted the information on social media sites.  Stoldt thanked Governor Brown and Senator Bill Monning for their support of the legislation.


Thomas reported that the Save Water Go Blue campaign is underway.  Campaign signs have been placed at various locations. The cities of Monterey, Sand City, Pacific Grove, and Carmel, as well as the County of Monterey will allow placement of signs on their properties.  The yard signs are complete and placement around the Water Management District has begun.  Door hangers have also been designed.


Members of the public need a better understanding of car washing rules.  It was suggested that at an upcoming Board meeting  an information item advising the public of rules related to car washing could be presented.   Or, the Board could take up the issue of a ban on car washing.   Stoldt suggested that the Water Management District’s public outreach campaign distribute one water-waste rule per week such as, “how to wash your car.”


In response to a question from the committee, Stoldt stated that the State of California is monitoring the Monterey Peninsula’s water use during the drought.  However, there is no guarantee that the State will not make inquiries as to why the area has not achieved the 20% reduction in use specified in drought response legislation.




Progress Report on Pure Monterey Project


The committee reviewed a preliminary budget and also the revised draft $90,000 budget for the Pure Water Monterey public outreach effort presented in the staff report.  Thomas explained that after the MOU on source water for the Pure Water Monterey Project has been signed, outreach efforts will be restarted.  The first goal is to educate Salinas Valley interests by scheduling meetings to inform them of the benefits of the project, and to provide tours of  Santa Clara Valley Water District’s wastewater purification facilities, and Levi Stadium which utilizes recycled water. Outreach to the Monterey Peninsula, and CEQA related public information opportunities will also be funded.



Schedule Next Meeting Date

The meeting was set for October 23 or October 30, 2014 at 1:30 pm.  Staff will contact the Directors to determine the final date.




The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm.






