Third Draft – 3/30/05









The information submitted on this form will be reviewed by the District for three general purposes: (1) to determine the type/level of permit needed, (2) to notify the applicant of any reports, well testing and site-specific information needed to process a formal application; and, (3) to conduct a “parcel query” within the District’s database to identify and map the location of nearby wells, streams and/or habitats that may be impacted by the proposed system. 


The Application Requirement Checklist (last page of this form) will be completed by the District, and will be provided to, and discussed with, the applicant prior to the submittal of a formal application.  This Pre-Application process is intended only to provide general guidance to the applicant based on the preliminary information requested below. The guidance provided is not intended to be exhaustive and additional information may be required when the formal application is submitted and/or during the review and approval of the permit.


Pre-Application Name and Date Received:        SMITH mm/dd/yy

Pre-Application and Parcel Query Fee:             $140 for up to 2 hours staff time

Payment Received:                                           _________________________   




1.         Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) for System _________________________________________________


2.                   System Site Address and Area _______________________________________________________


3.         Name of Applicant _________________________________________________________________


4.         Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________


5.         Contact Numbers (ph/fax/e-mail) ______________________________________________________


6.         Agent Name/Contact Information ____________________________________________________



7.                   Attach Map (8 ½ x 11 or larger): This Pre-Application Form must include a copy of a basic parcel map of the area that shows the parcels to be served and the approximate location of the wells(s) and/or water supply facilities. 


8.         Attachments (please list attachments, if any, included with this Pre-Application Form) ___________________________________________________________________________________


9.         _____________________________________________________   ___________________

Signature of Applicant or Agent   (Please sign and print name)                                Date






10.        Please complete the table below by briefly describing both existing and proposed: water sources, land uses, and water demands on all parcels to be served by proposed water system:


System Information


(briefly describe)


(briefly describe)

A. Water Source (groundwater, surface water, reclaimed, desalination, etc.)



B.  Cal-Am water service



C.  Total number of wells



D.  Total number of parcels served



E.  Total acreage served (all parcels)



F.  Total number of structures served



G. Residential (potable, drinking water)



H. Commercial (potable, drinking water)



I.   Irrigation/agriculture (non-potable)



J.  Landscaping (non-potable)



K. Other/live-stock (non-potable)



L.  Estimated water use, if known

acre-feet per year

acre-feet per year

M. Water system infrastructure (tanks,

treatment, backflow, meters, etc.)



Other relevant information, comments or expansion on answers above:







11.        Land Use/CEQA Information 

                    Zoning and land-use designations for parcels served (available from Monterey County or City)


                    Permits and approvals required or received from other agencies (e.g., Planning Department,

Building Department, Health Department, Coastal Commission, CPUC).  Make sure to list any recent or pending subdivisions to be served by the proposed water system, and include file numbers and resolution numbers used by the agencies.




12.        District Permits

            Describe and list previous MPWMD permits received, if any, including permit number and date issued.  Include existing well meter information, if applicable. ______________________________






(District Use Only)


Referral Information

Pre-Application Name/Date:         ________________________________________________________    

APN:                                         ________________________________________________________

Site Address/Area:                      ________________________________________________________

System Summary:                      ________________________________________________________

Referred To:                              ________________________________________________________         

Date Referred:                            _____________________           Response requested by:   __________

Referral Comments:                    ________________________________________________________


Additional Information Requested

                    Well log data for adjacent wells within ____ feet

                    Well meter data for last ____ years

                    Site history of previous wells and/or water use

                    Other _______________________________________________________________________




Standard Response Items

1.       Is system wholly with District boundaries?                                         □ YES  □ NO     ____________

2.       Is system within “main” Cal-Am service area?                         □ YES  □ NO     ____________

3.       Is well less than 1000 feet from existing wells?                                    □ YES  □ NO     ____________

4.       Is well less than 1000 feet from any of the five listed tributaries?           □ YES  □ NO     ____________

5.       Is well less than 1000 feet from dependent habitat and/or species?*       □ YES  □ NO     ____________

6.       Is well less than 1000 feet from the CVAA?                                        □ YES  □ NO     ____________

7.       Is well within the CVAA?      CVAA Subunit # ______             □ YES  □ NO     ____________

8.       Is existing well registered with District?                                  □ N/A   □ YES  □ NO     ____________

9.       Is existing well properly metered?                                          □ N/A   □ YES  □ NO     ____________

10.   Is metered information being submitted as required?     □ N/A   □ YES  □ NO     ____________

11.   Other ???

12.   Comments on standard response items: _________________________________________________





                    Parcel map with project well(s), 500-foot and 1000-foot radii, adjacent wells and parcel numbers

                    Aerial photograph of parcel

                    Recent water meter data for years __________________________________________________





Comments and Additional Information





* Refer to Rule 22-B-6


Third Draft – 03/30/05



(District Use Only)


Identifying Information

Pre-Application Name/Date:         ______________________________    APN: _________________

Site Address/Area:                      ________________________________________________________

System Summary:                      ________________________________________________________



Handouts and Forms Provided

                    Form:  Application To Create/Amend New Water Distribution System Form             Date_______

                    Form:  Application To Create Mobile Water Distribution System Form                     Date_______

                    Form:  Supplemental Questionnaire (for CEQA “non-exempt” applications)   Date_______

                    Form:  Residential Water Release Form and Water Permit Application                      Date_______

                    Form:  Commercial Water Release Form and Water Permit Application                    Date_______

                    Form:  Water Use Factors for Land Use Reporting Method                                     Date_______

                    Form:  Well Metering Registration Forms                                                              Date_______

                    Form:  Other_________________________________________________    Date_______


                    Procedures for Completing Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessments              Date_______

                    List of Qualified Professionals                                                                              Date_______

                    Requirements for Documentation of Water Rights in CVAA                                    Date_______

o        Copy of Deed

o        CVAA Riparian Rights (encourage completion prior to formal submittal)

o        Form: IG-96-12, Declaration of Attorney Competency                                     Date_______

o        Form: Requirements of Format and Contents for Water Rights Documentation   Date_______

                    List of certified water testing laboratories                                                             

                    Referral to local fire department

                    Other_________________________________________________              Date_______



                    Does the project fall under a categorical exemption?  □ Yes □ No  □ N/A __________________

                    If “no,” has CEQA been completed by another jurisdiction?

                    If “no,” has the lead agency been determined?

                    If CEQA has previously been completed, is updated and/or supplemental CEQA analysis needed?

                    Does an “overdraft” exist in the project area?

                    If yes, is there adequate evidence to prove the project will not increase an existing overdraft or that applicant has superior water rights?



Staff/Consultant Notes

District Follow-up Needed:  _______________________________________________________________

Conditions Needed:  _____________________________________________________________________

Comments:  ___________________________________________________________________________






The District will complete the checklist below, provide a copy and discuss the requirements with the applicant.


Identifying Information

Pre-Application Name/Date: __________________________  APN: ___________________

Site Address/Area:                _________________________________________________________

System Summary:                _________________________________________________________


Impact Based Review Criteria

Land Use/Type:        □ 1 parcel    □ 2 parcel    □ 3+ parcel   □ Subdivision    □ Commercial/industrial

Parcel Size (acres):  □ ≤1     □ 1-2.5      □ 2.5-10    □ 10-40     □ 40+

Demand (est. afy):   □ ≤1      □ 1-2.5     □ 2.5-10    □ 10+    □ Undetermined/Other ________________

Location:                 □ CV Uplands        □ CVAA      Seaside Basin     □ Other __________________

Parcel Query Data:  □ No Receptors      □ <1000’ from wells    □ <1000’ from tributary ____________ Other Criteria:     □ Non-Potable Only    □ Potable Use     □ Within “main” Cal-Am service area

Misc/Site Specific:    ________________________________________________________________


Required Permit Review Level and CEQA Status

Exempt (No permit required)__________________________________________________________

Permit Required:       □ Level 1 (Waiver)     □ Level 2 (Staff Permit)     □ Level 3 (Hearing Officer) 

□ Level 4 (Board of Directors)  ________________________________________

       CEQA- Categorical Exemption:  □ No □ Yes _____________________________________________


Requirements for Acceptance of Formal Application 

        Form:  Completed and signed Application Form (Form Type/Number): _______________________

        Payment of $______________

        Documentation of Water Rights

o     Copy of Deed

o     CVAA Riparian Rights or other rights (option to complete prior to formal submittal)

        Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessments (including the following):  (1)

o     Parcel Query Information (from District)

o     Copy of Well Driller’s Report

o     Copy of Health Department Well Construction Permit

o     Results of ___ hour pumping test [Dry season testing required: □ YES  □ NO ________________]

        Water Quality Testing [□ Chapter 15 (1 connection); □ Chapter 22 (2+ connections)]

        Form:  Water Release Form and Water Permit Application

        Form:  Water Use Factors for Land Use Reporting Method

        Form: Supplemental Questionnaire (for CEQA “non-exempt” applications)

        Landscaping Plans _______________________________________________________________

        Water System Meter Records/Well Pumping Records ____________________________________

        Jurisdictional Permit Information ____________________________________________________

        CEQA documentation _____________________________________________________________

        Other/Special/Site-Specific Requirements _______________________________________________


Review Notes

Date(s) Discussed and Application Materials Provided to Applicant:  ________________________________

Tentative Formal Application Date:  ________________________________________________________

District Follow-up Needed:  _______________________________________________________________

Conditions Needed:  _____________________________________________________________________

Comments:  ___________________________________________________________________________


 (1) The need for an Assessment is waived if: non-potable and no receptors and not within Cal-Am service area







Office Use Only

Pre-Application Name/Date                              ________________

Application ID Number                         ________________

Date Application Accepted                               ________________

Date Application Deemed Complete                ________________



FEE AMOUNT- The application fee must be paid concurrently with permit application.   The fee amount varies depending upon the level of review required:

                    Level 2 Permit Fee:                     $1,400 for up to 20 hours of staff time

                    Level 3 or Level 4 Permit Fee:      $2,450 for up to 35 hours staff time


FEE RULES- For more complex projects where staff time exceeds the number of pre-paid hours of staff time, a fee of $70 per hour will be charged. See Rule 60 for complete fee information.


CONFIRMATION OF PERMIT REVIEW LEVEL-  The permit review level required for this application is based upon a preliminary evaluation of basic information provided in the Pre-Application Form.  During the review of this application, staff will confirm the appropriate review level.  If it is determined that a higher or lower level of review is required, the applicant will be notified, and the higher or lower fee will be required or refunded.




1.         Name of System ___________________________________________________________________


2.         Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) in System  ______________________________________________


3.         System Street Address/Area _______________________________________________________


4.         Name of Applicant _________________________________________________________________

(If the applicant is not the system owner or operator, the form must also be signed by the system owner or operator.)


5.         Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________


6.         Contact Numbers (ph/fax/e-mail) ______________________________________________________


7.         Agent (if any) ___________________________________________________________________


8.         Agent Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________


9.         Agent Contact Numbers (ph/fax/e-mail)______________________________________________


NOTE: Please attach additional pages, if necessary, to complete each question.


10.               Attach Map (8 ½ x 11 or larger): Show the parcels to be served and the approximate location of the wells(s), easements and/or water supply facilities. 


11.               Water Source Information.  Complete the table below by describing both the existing and proposed  water source(s) to supply the proposed water system:


Source and System Information





A. Water Source (groundwater, surface water, reclaimed, desalination, etc.)



B. Cal-Am water service




C. Total number of wells




D. Water system infrastructure (list major system components, e.g.; tanks, treatment, backflow, meters, etc.)




Other relevant information, comments or expansion on answers above:






12.           Interties and Emergency Supply.  Please check appropriate box for items A through F below.  For all “yes” responses use the space provided to describe the item and list associated attachments, if any.


A.      Is there an emergency water supply in case of system failure?              □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A

B.      Will the system intertie to any other water distribution system?  □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A

C.      Has the other water system approved the intertie?                                □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A

D.     Has a backflow device to prevent cross-contamination been installed? □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A

E.      Must the local Fire Department approve this water system?                  □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A

F.    What is the source of water for Fire Protection?  _____________________________________

Description of “yes” responses:________________________________________________________






13.           Water Rights Information.  For systems utilizing wells located within the Carmel Valley Alluvial Aquifer (CVAA), applicants are encouraged, but not required, to obtain a “Water Rights Confirmation” letter from the District prior to the submittal of this application.  For systems utilizing wells outside the CVAA, complete item “A” only.



A.   Water Rights Outside of CVAA.  Attach a copy of the deed showing ownership of property (overlying rights to percolating groundwater is assumed).

B.   If within CVAA, has a “Water Rights Confirmation Letter” been issued by the District?

                 □ Yes   □ No   □ N/A  

                 If “Yes,” state date of letter and attach a copy to this application __________________________

                 If “No,” complete questions C, D and E below.

C.   Basis of water right claimed (see Form IG96-11 for guidance)

           Riparian (invalid for 2+ parcels unless same owner)


           SWRCB domestic registration

           SWRCB appropriative permit

           Other (specify) ________________________________

D.  If assisted by attorney, attach Form IG96-12, Declaration of Competency          

E.   Attach supporting water rights documentation.  See  (see Form IG96-11[?] for guidance on required format and context of documentation) _______________________________________


14.               Water Quality Information.  For wells that will provide potable (drinking) water to one or more connections, water quality information is required prior to further processing of this application.

                    Irrigation/agricultural use only (non-potable use only).  No quality analysis required.

                    1 connection-  Please attach water quality test results for primary inorganic contaminants (included with Monterey County Health Department “Chapter 15” test)

                    2+ connections-  Please attach State and County “Title 22” water quality test results


15.               Water Use.  Complete the table below by describing both the existing and proposed  uses to be served by the proposed water system:


Use and Demand Information





A. Residential service (potable, drinking water).  List all separate structures/units to be served.



B. Commercial service (potable, drinking water)



C. Industrial service (potable or non-potable)



D. Total number of structures served



E. Irrigation/agriculture (non-potable)

Describe crop(s) and/or agr use



F. Landscaping (non-potable)




G. Other/live-stock (non-potable)




H. Total number of parcels served



I. Total acreage served (all parcels)



J. Estimated water use, if known.  (Please include information showing how estimate was calculated)

acre-feet per year

acre-feet per year

Other relevant information, comments or expansion on answers above:






16.               Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessments.  Most systems using groundwater wells will be required to submit a Well Source and Pumping Impact Assessment with this formal application.  Please complete the items below to confirm the name and contents of the Assessments.

        Title, date, and preparer’s name of Assessment: _____________________________________


        The following required items are typically included within all Assessments.  Please check all boxes to confirm that the items have been included either in the Assessment or as separate attachments to this application.

o        Well logs (State DWR “Well Completion Report”)

o        Results of well capacity/pumping tests (see Form IG118-## for guidance)

o        Copy of approved Well Construction Permit from Monterey County Health Department

o        Pump horsepower, pump make, pump type

o        Water quality analysis (for potable uses only)




17.               Reliability of Supply (Non-Well).  For sources of supply other than groundwater wells, describe water source and production facilities, including reliable yield and water quality testing performed.  Attach and list associated information, if any._____________________________________________________




18.               Land Use/CEQA Information.  Please complete all applicable items below.

A.      Zoning and land-use designations for parcels served (available from Monterey County or City)


B.      Permits and approvals required or received from other agencies (e.g., Planning Department, Building Department, Health Department, Coastal Commission, CPUC).  Include file numbers and resolution numbers used by the agencies.


C.      Recent or pending subdivisions to be served by the proposed water system.  Include file numbers and resolution numbers used by the agencies.


D.     Environmental documents prepared by jurisdiction or other lead agency ___________________


E.      Status of lead agency CEQA actions.  Provide date of formal action (e.g., Notice of Determination, Neg Dec, EIR, etc.) Include file numbers and resolution numbers used by the agencies.  ______________________________________________________________


19.               MPWMD Permits

            Describe and list previous MPWMD permits received, if any, including permit number and date issued.  Include existing well meter information, if applicable. _____________________________



20.               List unique issues, considerations and/or special conditions, if any, which may pertain to the proposed water system. ____________________________________________________________








I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this application and on accompanying attachments is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.



_____________________________________________________   ___________________

Signature of Applicant     (Please sign and print name)                                            Date



_____________________________________________________   ___________________

Signature of Agent   (Please sign and print name)                                                   Date



_____________________________________________________   ___________________

Signature of System Owner/Operator                                                                   Date

(Please sign and print name)



Responsible Party(ies).  Pursuant to MPWMD Rule 22-C, please provide name(s) and address(es) of person(s) “who, at all times, will be available  and legally responsible for the proper performance of those things required of a permit holder by this ordinance.”

Name(s):           ________________________________________________________________________



Address(es)       ________________________________________________________________________





Attachments.  Please list all attachments, including map, included with this Application Form

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________

Attachment __:  ________________________________________________________________________





