
Approve revisions to dEED RESTRICTION templates 3.1 and 3.6


Meeting Date:

August 4, 2008





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager





Prepared By:


Debbie Martin



SUMMARY:  In February 2005, the Board authorized Deed Restriction Implementation Guidelines.  The guidelines allow modifications to the deed restriction templates used by the District to be implemented immediately with authorization from the General Manager and District Counsel.  Changes are then provided to the Rules and Regulations Committee quarterly, or as needed.  Deed restrictions are routinely used by the District for enforcement of rules and conditions and to notify current and future property owners of specific conditions, violations or restrictions on a property. 


Previously approved templates were recently reviewed by District Counsel to ensure consistency with Ordinance No. 133, which modified District Regulation XI.  In keeping with the Deed Restriction Implementation Guidelines, staff is providing the revised forms to the Rules and Regulations Committee (Exhibit 2-A).


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Committee approve amendments to Deed Restriction Templates 3.1, Notice of Non-Compliance with Permit Rules and 3.6, Notice of Connection Fees Due.



2-A  Copies of Revised Deed Restriction Templates








