
DISCUSS Development of Recommendation Regarding a District-Wide Definition of Affordable Housing for Water Connection Charge


Meeting Date:

June 6, 2006




David A. Berger,

General Manager



Prepared by:

Stephanie Pintar



SUMMARY:  During February and March 2006, the TAC reviewed a proposed ordinance to amend the water permit process to comply with current Board policies and to clarify a number of policy interpretations.  The District’s Board reviewed the draft ordinance in April and May 2006. During the May review, the Board asked staff if there were definitions for affordable housing and for low and very-low income housing that could be applied unilaterally, rather than referring to each jurisdiction to determine qualifications.   Without a clear answer, staff was directed to amend the draft ordinance to delete proposed affordable housing definitions that referred the qualification decision to the jurisdiction and to retain the current language (attached as Exhibit 2-A and Exhibit 2-B) until the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) had an opportunity to review the issue and propose a recommendation.


RECOMMENDATION:   The TAC should review the proposed language regarding affordable housing.  If a revised definition is needed to respond to General Plan requirements, another ordinance could be developed that outlines rules for permitting affordable housing projects.   Staff needs direction from the TAC on whether the current regulations meet the needs of the jurisdictions.  If not, an alternative definition for affordable housing should be developed by the TAC for consideration by the Board.



2-A      District Rule 11 Definitions for Affordable Housing

2-B      District Rule 24.5, Connections for Affordable Housing



