Technical Advisory
Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
The meeting was called to order at 10:45 AM in the District Conference Room.
City of
City of
City of
City of
City of
City of
Airport District Thomas Greer
David A. Berger, General Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
No members of the public were present to comment.
1. Review and Comment on Proposed Draft
Ordinance No. 130 – Adding a Process for Sub-Potable Water Use Credits to the
District’s Rules and Regulations
Ms. Pintar reviewed the ordinance with the committee and discussion followed. Ms. Ingersoll made a motion to recommend
to the MPWMD Board that action on the first reading of the ordinance be delayed
and the item referred to TAC for further review and discussion. TAC would like the ordinance amended to offer
an incentive for replacing non-residential potable water irrigation with
sub-potable water, by granting a water credit that could be transferred for
residential use on another site. TAC
would like District staff to address the concern expressed by the City of
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM.