Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

January 8, 2008



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM.


Committee Members Present

City of Carmel-by-the-Sea      Sean Conroy

City of Monterey                    Chip Rerig

City of Pacific Grove              Patricia Wotan

City of Sand City                   Steve Matarazzo

City of Seaside                       Diana Ingersoll, Chair

County of Monterey               Luis Osorio

Monterey Peninsula

Airport District                       Ben Stuth


Committee Members Absent: 

City of Del Rey Oaks             Ron Langford


District Staff Members Present:

            David A. Berger, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager   

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present: 

David C. Laredo


Comments from the Public

No members of the public were present to comment.


Action Items


1.                  Receive Minutes of August 14, 2007 and November 6, 2007 Committee Meetings

The minutes were received by the committee as presented.


2.                  Consider Recommendation to MPWMD Board on Revision to Committee Charge Regarding Election of Chair

On a motion by Rerig and second by Conroy, the committee voted to recommend that the Board adopt the amendment to the charge as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0.


3.         Review Contingency Implementation Plan for Stages 4 through 7 of the Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan

            On a motion by Matarazzo and second by Rerig, the committee voted to recommend to the Board of Directors that the Contingency Implementation Plan be approved and that it allow a four-month delay before a moratorium is implemented in the event Stage 5 or 6 is declared at any time other than the May Board meeting.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 7 – 0.


4.         Discuss Proposed Draft Ordinance – Adding a Process for Sub-Potable Water Use Credits to the District’s Rules and Regulations

            Chair Ingersol stated that the consensus of the committee was to recommend to the Board that a joint meeting of the Technical Advisory and Policy Advisory committees be convened to review the proposed ordinance and discuss two issues:  (1) proposed rule that would require 25% of the previous potable water use to be permanently set aside as conservation savings; and (2) cost-sharing to fund an EIR on the transfer of sub-potable water credits.


5.         Review and Comment on Proposed Draft Concept Ordinance – Amend Process by which the District Enforces its Rules and Regulations

            The committee discussed the concept ordinance.  The following comments were received: (1) Rerig:  The City of Monterey does have an administrative enforcement process.  City staff serve as hearing officers.  Payment schedules can be established for persons that request it. He expressed support for the concept ordinance, and advised that the public should be informed about why the ordinance is necessary. (2) Matarazzo:  The City of Del Rey Oaks does have an administrative enforcement process.  When a citation is issued, the offender must pay the fine.  If the fine is not paid, the issue goes to court.   (3) Ingersol expressed support for the concept ordinance. 


Informational Items

6.         Report on Proposed Ordinance No. 132 – Add a New Rule 23.6 to Establish a Water Entitlement for Sand City and Amend Rules 11, 21 and 23.1 to Reflect the Process for Issuing Water Use Permits

            General Manager Berger reviewed the ordinance and responded to questions from the committee. 


7.         Review and Discuss Proposed Amendment to Table 2:  Non-Residential Water Use Factors

            Water Demand Manager Pintar reviewed Table 2 and responded to questions from the committee. 



The meeting was adjourned at 11 AM.



