Table II -- Commercial Water Use Factors

Group I - Low to Moderate Use:  (0 - 0.0001 af/yr)  0.00007 AF/SF

Auto Uses


Family Grocery

General Retail

General Medical Office

General Office/Bank




Group II - High Use:  (0.00011 - 0.0004 af/yr)                      0.0002 AF/SF

Bakery/Pizza/Deli/Sandwich Shop

Dental/Medical/Veterinary Clinics

Dry Cleaner

Fast Photo

Supermarket/Convenience Store


Group III - Miscellaneous Uses - Each Category is Calculated Separately

Beauty Shop                                                     0.0567 af/station

Child Care                                                        0.0072 af/child

Dorm                                                                0.04 af/room

Gas Station                                                       0.0913 af/pump

Laundromat                                                      0.2 af/machine

Luxury Hotels/Living Units:                                0.21 af/room

Meeting Hall                                                     0.00053 af/sf

Motel/Hotel/Bed and Breakfast:                         0.1 af/room

Open Space                   Turf:                            2.1 af/acre

Non-turf:                      1.8 af/acre (Reduce 50% for drip)

Plant Nursery                                                    0.00009 af/sf total land

Restaurant (General/Bar):                                  0.02 af/seat

Restaurant (24-Hour & Fast Food):                    0.038 af/seat

Self-Storage                                                      0.00001 af/sf

Spa                                                                   0.05 af/spa

Swimming Pool                                                 0.02 af/100 sf surface area       

Theater                                                             0.0012 af/seat



Note:  Any commercial, governmental, or industrial water use which cannot be characterized by one of the use categories set forth in Table No. 2 shall be designated as "other" and assigned a factor which has a positive correlation to the anticipated water use capacity for that site.  Where substantial uncertainty exists regarding the water use factor for any "other" use, the calculation shall be made in accord with Section G (Special Circumstances) of this Rule 24.

