Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
The meeting was called to order at 1 PM in the District conference room.
Committee Members Present:
Kristi Markey
David Pendergrass
Michelle Knight (alternate)
Committee Members Absent:
Larry Foy
District Counsel Present:
David C. Laredo
Staff Members Present:
David A. Berger, General Manager
Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
There were no members of the public in attendance.
Accept Minutes of February 8, 2005 Committee
On a motion by Director Knight and second by Director Pendergrass, the minutes were received on a unanimous vote of 3 – 0.
2. Review Status of Progress on Development of Water Factors for Calculating Long-Term Water Needs
Stephanie Pintar gave a progress report to the committee. During the discussion, the committee members offered suggestions for presentation of the draft calculations of long-term water needs. (1) Ask the Technical Advisory Committee if they want to account for homes that have a second bathroom allowed by Ordinance No. 98. (2) Buildout numbers submitted by each jurisdiction should be presented in a consistent manner. A chart should be developed to show the buildout numbers submitted by the jurisdictions. Charts showing each individual jurisdiction’s numbers should also be prepared. Each jurisdiction will review the chart for accuracy before it is distributed to the Water Demand Committee or the Board. (3) The water needs estimates should also be presented in a consistent manner with a chart that lists totals from all jurisdictions for each category of water use, and a chart for each jurisdiction that shows totals for each category of water use. (4) The draft report should clearly state the basis for each calculation utilized in the various water use categories. (5) The Policy Advisory Committee should review the future water needs estimates prepared by District staff before they are presented to the Water Demand Committee and the Board of Directors. (6) The Water Demand Committee could review the draft numbers at their August 2, 2005 meeting. (7) Mr. Berger noted that the final report for each jurisdiction could include columns showing the amount of water needed to meet near-term housing projections and full buildout.
There were no further items for discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM.