Water Demand
Monterey Peninsula
Water Management District
The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM in the District conference room.
Committee Members present: Larry Foy, Chair
Michelle Knight
Judi Lehman
Committee Members absent: None
Staff present: David A. Berger, General Manager
Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
1. Receive Minutes of June 14, 2005 Committee Meeting
On a motion by Director Knight, the minutes were unanimously received on a vote of 3 – 0.
2. Discuss and Provide Feedback on Policy Issues Related to Water Permits and Water Credits
The committee reviewed proposed changes to Rules 11, 21 and 23 and directed that modifications be made. Shown below is a list of changes suggested by the committee. Page references refer to Exhibit 2-A page numbers (Rules 11, 21 & 23), as published in the August 2, 2005 Water Demand Committee packet.
A. Page 1, Rule 2 should read, “Architectural Drawings” shall mean accurately measured and detailed drawings on paper, linen, or accepted medium used to define actual construction.” Staff was also directed to check the American Institute of Architects or other sources to find a current definition for the term “Architectural Drawing” or other similar contemporary term.
B. Page 1, Rule 3 should read, “Bathroom” shall mean a room containing a toilet and usually a sink and bathtub or shower.”
C. Page 1, Rule 4 should read, “Cistern” shall mean an artificial reservoir (i.e. an underground tank) for storing liquids and especially water (i.e. rainwater, groundwater as examples).”
D. Page 2, Rule 17 should read, “Undue Hardship” shall mean an action required by a rule, regulation or condition that poses a significant difficulty when considered in light of factors related to the application.”
E. Page 4, Rule 21.B: The title should read, “Application for Water Permit to Connect to or Modify a Connection to a Water Distribution System.”
F. Page 4, Rule 21.B: The first sentence should read, “The applicant for a Water Permit to connect to or modify a water use connection is deemed complete when the applicant submits the following.”
G. Page 4, Rule 21.B.1: The words “A completed written application” should be changed to state “A written application.”
H. Page 7, Rule 23 should read, “Action on Application for a Water Permit to Connect to or Modify an Existing Connection to a Water Distribution System.” The committee agreed that the title of Rule 23 should be consistent with the title of Rule 21.B.
I. Page 7, Rule 23, A, line 5: The words “for revocation by the District of all water use by any person on that Site” shall be deleted and replaced with the words “for the District to restrict or terminate water use on that site.”
J. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.a: The words “construction drawings” should be consistent with whatever term is to be defined under Rule 11 as “architectural drawings.”
K. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.a.(1) should be deleted.
L. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.a.2 should be modified to state that residential properties that have no outdoor landscaping would receive a credit of 25 percent of the residential water use capacity.
M. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.a.(2) and (3) should be moved to Rule 21.B.
N. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.b, c and d should be moved to Rule 21.B.
O. Page 7, Rule 23.A.1.f. should be modified to read “Unless the District has determined to temporarily delay the issuance of permits by reason of a declared Water Supply Emergency.”
P. Page 7, Rule 23.A.2: Delete the words “As an alternate to the process set forth in (1) above.”
Q. Page 7, Rule 23.A.2.b.: District staff will add language which clarifies that the application is required to correct a violation.
R. Page 7, Rule 23.A.2.c.: Following the words “implemented in 1985” add the words “as demonstrated by and not limited to the following evidence” and list the requirements.
S. Page 11, Rule 23.C.: Modify the title to be consistent with the description shown in the first paragraph under the title.
T. Page 12, Rule 23.C.1: Check to be sure that the words “to allow new, modified, or Intensified Water Use” are used consistently throughout the document when appropriate.
U. Page 13, Rule 23.C.2.(1).: The words “construction drawings” should be consistent with whatever term is to be defined under Rule 11 as “architectural drawings.”
V. District staff should review the rules and determine if Rule 23.C. could be incorporated into Rule 23.A. Alternatively, if the language of Rule 23.C is already part of Rule 21, it could be deleted.
W. The committee suggested that Rule 23.C.2 could be deleted, if similar language is contained in Rule 21.B.
X. The committee suggested that it might be appropriate to incorporate Rule 23.C.3 through 23.C.7 into Rule 24.
No other items were discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM.