NO. ---
1. The
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (“District”) was created to
address water problems in the Monterey Peninsula area which the Legislature
found required integrated management, and was endowed with the powers set forth
in the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law (“District Law”), set
forth in Chapter 527 of the Statutes of 1977, West’s Water Code – Appendix,
Section 118-1, et seq.
2. The District has general and specific power to do any and every lawful act necessary in order that sufficient water may be available for present or future beneficial use or uses. The Water Management District is authorized to establish a written permit system to regulate water distribution systems, regardless of the number of connections served or the source of the water supply.
3. The Board of Directors finds that regulating
all water distribution systems, including mobile water distribution systems, is
necessary to protect District water resources and to assure that sufficient
water will be available for present and future beneficial use by all District
inhabitants and lands. The Water
Management District has enacted a comprehensive scheme to review and regulate
the creation and expansion of water distribution systems. That scheme was first enacted on February 11,
1980, by Ordinance No. 1, and has since been amended from time to time,
including the amendment caused by Ordinance No. 105 adopted on December 16,
2002, and the amendment caused by Ordinance No. 118 adopted on December 13,
4. Ordinance No. 118, the Water Distribution
System Regulation Refinement Ordinance of the Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District, revised the District Rules and Regulations to clarify
regulation of water distribution systems by, among other things, adding the
definition of “Pro Rata Expansion Capacity” and creating a process under Rule
40 by which the owner or operator of a Water Distribution System exceeding its
Pro Rata Expansion Capacity is required to implement a plan to bring the Water
Distribution System back into balance with its projected Water Distribution
System Capacity. Rule 40 was also
amended to enable adjustment of Water Distribution System limits based on
credible evidence where a Water Distribution System could not be brought into
balance with its Water Distribution System Capacity. Ordinance No. 118 was enacted to address
situations not previously anticipated or explicitly addressed in the Rules and
5. This Ordinance is intended address a similar
circumstance to that remedied by Ordinance No. 118, where a Water Distribution
System has not yet exceeded its System Capacity or its Expansion Capacity, as
those terms are defined by District Rule 11, but for which credible evidence
establishes that the System Capacity or Expansion Capacity, or both, require
6. The Water Management District Board of
Directors determines that this Ordinance is exempt from CEQA pursuant to
categorical exemption described in CEQA Guidelines section 15307. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed based on
this finding.
7. This ordinance is adopted to enhance the
District’s ability to protect water quality and quantity, to prevent diminution
of waters within the District, to protect environmental values, and is
consistent with the District’s authority to reasonably regulate water supplies
within District boundaries.
9. This ordinance shall amend Rules 11,
40 of the Rules and Regulations of the Water Management District, and shall
add a new Rule those Rules and
NOW THEREFORE be it ordained as follows:
One: Short Title
This ordinance shall be known as the Water
Distribution System Capacity and Expansion Capacity Modification Ordinance of
the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
Two Purpose
This ordinance shall revise the permanent
Rules and Regulations of the Water Management District to enable procedures
that allow modification of a Water Distribution System Expansion Capacity or
System Capacity.
Section Three: Amendment
of Rule 40 (Determination of System Capacity and Expansion Capacity Limits)
District Rule 40 shall be amended by adding
the following provisions set forth in italicized and bold face type (bold face).
[NOTE: No change is proposed to Section A.]
1. Monitoring. The General Manager shall monitor the physical ability of each
Water Distribution System to
supply water within the System Capacity or the Expansion Capacity for that
System, as those terms are defined in Rule 11, and as those Capacities are
determined by this Rule. The General
Manager shall convene a hearing to review the System Capacity or the Expansion
Capacity, or both, for each Water Distribution System for which water supplies do not appear sufficient
to support either the System Capacity or the Expansion Capacity for that System. The General Manager’s determination shall be
based upon credible information presented by a certified hydrogeologist, a
registered geologist with a specialty in hydrogeology, a certified engineering
geologist with a specialty in hydrogeology, or a registered civil engineer with
a specialty in hydrogeology.
2. Notice. If, in accord with paragraph B1 above, the General Manager
determines that water supplies do not appear sufficient to support either the
System Capacity or the Expansion Capacity for that water distribution system,
the General Manager shall:
a. Suspend
receipt of expansion or extension applications for that Water Distribution
System pending a hearing on modification of the System Capacity or Expansion
Capacity for that Water Distribution System.
b. Notify
the Owner or Operator of a Water Distribution System that (i) the System
Capacity or Expansion Capacity, or both, for that Water Distribution System is
not in balance with the physical ability of that System to supply water, and
(ii) convene a hearing before the Board of Directors to determine whether, and
to what extent, modifications shall be made to either the System Capacity or
Expansion Capacity, or both, for that Water Distribution System.
3. Hearing. Upon notice that water supplies do not
appear sufficient to support either the System Capacity or the Expansion
Capacity, or both, for a Water Distribution System, the Board of Directors
shall hold a public hearing to consider whether, and to what extent,
modifications shall be made to either the System Capacity or Expansion
Capacity, or both, for that Water Distribution System. Modification of these limits shall be
supported by a preponderance of the evidence that establishes water supplies
available to the Water Distribution System are sufficient meet prior System Capacity
or Expansion Capacity limits. Upon such
a finding, the Board shall determine a new System Capacity or Expansion
Capacity, or both, for that Water Distribution System. The Board’s determination shall be based upon
credible expert evidence presented by a certified hydrogeologist, a registered
geologist with a specialty in hydrogeology, a certified engineering geologist
with a specialty in hydrogeology, or a registered civil engineer with a
specialty in hydrogeology.
3. Action Following Hearing. Where a Water Distribution System has
reached or exceeded its System Capacity or Expansion Capacity limit, as
modified, the General Manager shall deny any application for a permit to expand
or extend that system until the a further amendment, based upon credible expert
analysis, is made to the System Capacity or Expansion Capacity, or both, for
that Water Distribution System.
a Water Distribution System presents credible expert analysis to the
satisfaction of the General Manager that the system has returned to full
compliance and can operate within both the System Capacity or Expansion
Capacity for that system, the General Manager shall again be authorized to
receive and act upon permits to expand or extend that system within the amended
System Capacity and Expansion Capacity limits.
[NOTE: No change is proposed to the substance of
Section C. This text is shown to enable
an understanding of the context in which Section B has been added.]
The General Manager shall annually compile a report stating the quantity of water delivered from each Source of Supply, the total water produced, the average daily number of Connections in the system, and the number of new Connections in the system, and the number of new Connections and disconnections in the previous water year for each Water Distribution System in the District. The General Manager shall compile this report from the reports submitted by the Owner or Operator of Water Distribution Systems pursuant to Rule 22 and other sources as appropriate. The General Manager shall identify all Water Distribution Systems that meet all three of the following criteria: (i) have ten (10) or more Connections, and (ii) of these Connections, at least fifty percent (50%) are active Connections, and (iii) the System (production) Capacity exceeds the Pro Rata Expansion Capacity as defined in Rule 11. Such report shall be submitted to the Board.
[NOTE: No change is proposed to the substance of
Section D. This text is shown to enable
an understanding of the context in which Section B has been added.]
If the General Manager determines that a Water Distribution System exceeds its Pro Rata Expansion Capacity and meets all other criteria stated in Section B above, the General Manager shall:
1. Notify the Owner or Operator of a Water Distribution System that (i) the Pro Rata Expansion Capacity is not in balance with the System Capacity, and (ii) that the Owner or Operator is required to prepare and implement a plan to bring the system back into balance. Plan measures may include installation of Low Water-Use Plumbing Fixtures, Landscape Audits, removal of turf/landscape acreage, modification of rate structure, or other measures deemed acceptable by the General Manager;
2. Require systems with multiple use types to provide a detailed breakdown of consumption reporting by individual use types (e.g., Single-Family Dwellings in each area of the system, Multi-Family Residential, Public Authority, Commercial, and Industrial) together with comparison of trends in average use per connection type over time;
3. Increase system reporting for all times system water use exceeds the Pro Rata Expansion Capacity, and for twelve (12) consecutive months after the system water use is less than its Pro Rata Expansion Capacity;
4. Suspend receipt of Expansion or Extension applications for any system that exceeded its Pro Rata Expansion Capacity within the preceding twelve (12) months;
5. For any system that exceeds its authorized Pro Rata Expansion Capacity on more than one occasion, the suspension on receipt of Expansion or Extension applications shall continue after the system again returns to compliance until the General Manager has reviewed and concurs with credible expert analysis that the system can and will remain in compliance; and
6. Collect administrative fees as required by Rule 60 for services required to implement these requirements.
[NOTE: The sole change proposed to Section E is
modification of its title. No change
will be made to the substance of Section E.
This text is shown to enable an understanding of the context in which
the title has been changed and for which Section B has been added.]
1. For systems which have not exceeded their System or Expansion Capacity limit but have exceeded their Pro Rata Expansion Capacity limit on more than one occasion, and a credible expert indicates the Water Distribution System cannot sustain the Pro Rata Expansion Capacity, the Board of Directors shall provide notice and hold a public hearing to consider an adjustment to the system limits based on credible evidence and make modifications in accordance therewith.
2. The Board of Directors shall hold a public hearing to review the annual water delivery system report and other evidence as necessary, and determine if any Water Distribution System has reached or exceeded its System or Expansion Capacity limit or that the system limits require modification. Where a Water Distribution System has reached or exceeded its System or Expansion Capacity limit or where the system limits have been modified, the Board shall direct the General Manager or the delegated agent to deny any application for permit to expand or extend that system until the permit is amended.
[NOTE: No change is proposed to the substance of
Section F. This text is shown to enable
an understanding of the context in which Section B has been added.]
The General Manger shall, within thirty (30) days, notify all delegated agents and the owner/operator of the findings of the Board regarding any Water Distribution System that has reached or exceeded its System or Expansion Capacity Limit or that the System Limits have been modified. Notice of the action taken shall be deemed to have been given when the written notification has been deposited in the mail, postpaid, addressed to the responsible party, or when personally delivered to the applicant or his representative.
Section Four: Publication and Application
The provisions of this ordinance shall cause the republication and amendment of the permanent Rules and Regulations of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.
Section titles and captions are provided for convenience and shall not be construed to limit the application of the text.
Section Five: Effective Date and Sunset
This ordinance shall be given effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 30th day after it has been enacted on second reading.
This Ordinance shall not have a sunset date.
Section Six: Severability
If any subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining portions of this ordinance, or of any other provisions of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Rules and Regulations. It is the District’s express intent that each remaining portion would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that one or more subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unenforceable.
On motion by Director ________, and second by Director _______, the foregoing ordinance is adopted upon this ___day of _____, 2008, by the following vote:
I, Darby Fuerst, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance duly adopted on the ___ day of ________, 2008.
Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ___day of _______, 2008.
Darby W. Fuerst, Secretary to the Board
U:\General (NEW)\MPWMD -
Main\WMD Ordinances\Limit Revision Concept Draft (v1).doc