Water Demand Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
July 14, 2008
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 PM in the conference room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District office.
Committee members present: Kristi Markey, Chair
Bob Brower
Staff members
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager
District Counsel present: David Laredo
Comments from Public
No comments.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of April 29 and May 9, 2008 Committee Meetings
On a motion by Director Doyle and second by Director Brower, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
Director Brower noted that the minutes of May 9, 2008, under Action Item 1, Review and Discuss Proposed Draft Ordinance No. 134, state the committee agreed that a water permit moratorium should be immediately implemented at Stage 5 of the District’s Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan. He asked why the revised draft version of Ordinance No. 134 submitted in the July 14, 2008 committee packet did not reflect that change. Ms. Pintar explained that the Technical Advisory Committee had recommended that a moratorium begin four months following declaration of Stage 5. Language of the revised draft version of Ordinance No. 134 was presented without the change requested by the Water Demand Committee, so that the Board could discuss and make a determination as to when a water permit moratorium should be declared.
2. Develop
Recommendation to the Board Regarding First
On a motion by Director Doyle and second by Director Brower, the committee voted unanimously to amend revised draft Ordinance No. 134 as follows and present it for Board consideration on July 21, 2008. (1) Rule 164.B.1 a new sentence shall be added, “Exercise of riparian rights may be established by declaration under penalty of perjury, unless refuted by other proof.” (2) Rule 165.F shall be amended to state that “immediately following declaration of Stage 5 Water Rationing, the District shall cease accepting Water Permit applications associated with Intensification of Use.” (3) Rule 167-L should be amended to specify that the Board would consider establishing restrictions on Non-Residential outdoor water use at Stage 4.
The following
changes should be made to the staff report for presentation to the Board of
Directors on July 21, 2008. (1) Page 7 of the staff report, bullet 5,
“Maintains the 7 percent Unaccounted for water use standard for
The committee also discussed a suggestion that the Ryan Ranch Water Distribution System be identified in Ordinance No. 134 as a system that is subject to the Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan. The committee decided not to include this issue in Ordinance No. 134, and agreed the Board could discuss this suggestion as part of its deliberations on draft Ordinance No. 135.
3. Discuss
Development of an Ordinance that Would Revise Regulation XIV, Water
Conservation, and Mandate Installation of Zero Water Consumption Urinals for
All New Construction and Remodels
The committee reviewed the ordinance and agreed on the following concepts: (1) the ordinance title should be amended to state that the rules would apply to non-residential projects; and (2) the list of Mandatory Water Conservation Standards shall include dual-flush or high-efficiency toilets, faucet aerators that emit less than 1.6 gallons per minute, and zero water consumption urinals. The committee recognized that District staff may be aware of other conservation concepts that should be included in the ordinance.
The committee
requested that an ordinance related to indoor water conservation measures be submitted
for consideration at the August 18, 2008 Board meeting. An ordinance related to outdoor water conservation
measures should be discussed by the committee at a future meeting. The outdoor water conservation measures could
include: (1) adopt State of
4. Discuss
Development of an Ordinance that would Establish a Process for Authorizing
Adjustments to Water Distribution System Production and Connection Limits
On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Brower, the committee agreed unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0 to recommend that the Board adopt the draft ordinance with the following amendment: the rules would apply to water distribution systems with 10 or more connections. If possible, the ordinance should be submitted to the Board for consideration at the July 21, 2008 Board meeting. No public comment was directed to the committee on this item.
Other Items
The committee scheduled the next meeting for August 5, 2008 at 3 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3 PM.