Water Demand Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
September 29, 2008
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM in the conference room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District office.
Committee members present: Kristi Markey, Chair
Bob Brower
Staff members
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager
District Counsel present: David Laredo (arrived at 1:45 PM)
Comments from Public
Hans Pfeiffer, representing the Hidden Hills Ratepayers Association, expressed agreement with a letter dated September 29, 2008, from Lloyd Lowrey requesting that Ordinance No. 127 be drafted to include concepts and language outlined in that letter.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of August 5, 2008 Committee Meeting
On a motion by Director Brower and second by Director Doyle, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
2. Discuss
Concept Ordinance No. 137, Amending Regulation XV, Expanded Water Conservation
and Standby Rationing Plan
The committee members discussed the concept ordinance, provided direction to staff on sections that required clarification, and referred the ordinance to the Board of Directors for first reading. The committee provided specific direction on concept ordinance language listed below. In addition, it was agreed that District Counsel should review the September 29, 2008 letter from Lloyd Lowrey, and determine if modifications suggested by the author should be incorporated into the ordinance.
Rule 11 The definition of “Satellite System” should be deleted. Bishop, Ryan Ranch and other sub-systems should be separately defined.
Rule 11 Definition of “Long Term Regulatory Rationing.” Staff and District Counsel will determine if it is necessary to define this term, and the appropriate language.
Rule 11 Definition of “Minimum Residential Per Capita Water Ration.” Staff and District Counsel will develop appropriate language.
Rule 161.1 The paragraph should be divided into two sections to clarify responsibility of property owner and California American Water (CAW). Add language clarifying that property owners who have overlying water rights are exempt.
Rule 162 In Stage 2, the District should mandate that CAW contact high water users to determine what further voluntary reductions could be achieved beyond compliance with outdoor water use budgets.
Rule 164 In Stage 2, the District should mandate that CAW contact all water users, with an emphasis on high users, and determine what further voluntary reductions could be achieved.
Rule 165 Text should be corrected to state that in Stage 5, production reductions should be 16% to 34%, not 20% to 34%. Rationing would be implemented in response to regulatory reductions affecting each sub-system or multiple systems.
Rule 165.1 The committee agreed with the text.
Rule 165.2 The committee agreed with the text.
Rule 166.1 The committee agreed with the text.
Rule 167.2 Amend text to state that the Board “by resolution” may adjust the amount of water available to one or more categories of use.
Rule 167.3 Specify that at Stage 6, there would be a limit or prohibition on outdoor watering and irrigation.
Rule 168 The committee agreed with the text.
During the public
comment period on this item, Hans Pfeiffer asked if there was any rule that
required the sub-systems to be operated separately from the main CAW system, so
that rate payers would be exempt from funding
3. Set Future Meeting Date
No date was set.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:30 PM.