Water Demand Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
October 26, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm in the conference room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District office.
Committee members present: Kristi Markey, Chair
Regina Doyle
Brenda Lewis (participated by telephone)
Committee members absent: None
Staff members present: David Stoldt, General Manager
District Counsel present: David Laredo, De Lay and Laredo
Comments from Public
No comments.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of September 29, 2011 Committee Meeting
On a motion by Doyle and second of Markey, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0. No public comment was directed to the committee on this item.
2. Consider Recommendation to Board on Funding Qualified Landscape Water Manager Course During Spring 2012
On a motion by Director Doyle and second of Director Markey, the committee recommended that the District sponsor the Qualified Landscape Water Manager course for a not-to-exceed amount of $7,000 when funds are available from the 2012-2014 California American Water rate case. The motion was adopted on a vote of 2 – 1. Directors Doyle and Markey voted in favor, and Director Lewis was opposed.
Discussion Items
3. Discuss
Water Demand Associated with Unpermitted Event Sites and Direct Staff on Future
Pintar advised the Board that staff has become aware of the increased incidence of residential properties that are rented out for private events, and commercial venues such as art galleries that are rented for parties. These sites do not have a water permit that represents the amount of water used by a visitor serving facility. This equates to an un-permitted water use. The committee recommended the following: (a) when staff is aware of a specific property that is out of compliance with permitted use, the city or county should be contacted with a request to address the issue; (b) should define the difference between commercial use and incidental use of a property for large gatherings; (c) staff should bring this situation to the jurisdictions’ attention; (d) if there is no action by the jurisdictions to address this situation, then the District should consider taking the leadership role; and (e) it may not be necessary to develop new regulations, as the District’s rules require that a site be appropriately permitted.
Doyle Moses, owner of a venue in
Carmel Valley that is used for weddings, addressed the committee during the
public comment period on this item. He
stated that there are many private homes operated as commercial ventures. He
offered as an example a residential property listed on the internet that is
rented for $100,000 per day. Mr. Moses
said he has discussed this with members of the Monterey County Board of
Supervisors and County Counsel, but to his knowledge no action has been taken
to address the situation.
Set Next Meeting Date
The meeting was scheduled for December 8, 2012 at 9 am.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:45 pm.