Water Demand Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

June 12, 2014




Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm in the MPWMD conference room.




Committee members present:

Kristi Markey, Chair (arrived at 3:40 pm)


Jeanne Byrne


Brenda Lewis




Staff members present:

David J. Stoldt, General Manager


Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager


Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant




Comments from the Public:

No comments.



Action Items



Develop Recommendation to the Board of Directors on First Reading of Ordinance No. 161 – An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Amending Rule 23-A-1-I Regarding Sub-Metering


Director Markey arrived during discussion of this item.

Motion #1 – Motion by Markey, no second, to confer with District Counsel and then implement Counsel’s recommendation re the need to replace the term “water measuring device” with another term to clarify the difference between a Cal-Am meter and a sub-meter.


Motion #2 – Motion by Byrne, no second, to replace the term “water measuring device” with “meter” and “sub-meter” in the draft ordinance.


Markey offered a motion that was seconded by Lewis to submit the ordinance to the Board of Directors for adoption.  The motion was approved on vote of 2 – 1 by Markey and Lewis.  Byrne was opposed.




Develop Recommendation to the Board on Amendments to Rule 24, Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors


On a motion by Byrne and second of Markey, the committee recommended that Table 2 be amended as discussed by staff and the committee, and submitted to the Board of Directors for adoption.  The motion was approved on a vote of 2 – 1 by Byrne and Markey.  Lewis abstained.






Consider Participation in Joint Water Conservation Program with Marina Coast Water District


On a motion by Byrne and second of Lewis, the committee unanimously recommended that the Water Management District partner with Marina Coast Water District on preparation of an application for Proposition 84 funds to conduct a joint water conservation program.  The motion was approved on a vote of 3 – 0 by Byrne, Lewis and Markey.



Discussion Items


Discuss Development of Policy on Use of Hydrant Meters for Drought Response


The committee requested that Water Management District staff bring to the committee suggestions for responding to an anticipated increase in applications for temporary water hydrant meters as a replacement water source.


Discussion:  Water Management District staff asked for direction on an appropriate response to requests for use of hydrant water as a new source when a private well goes dry.  Staff expects requests for use of fire hydrant water will increase during the drought. Water Management District rules require an application for a temporary fire hydrant meter when use of fire hydrant water within the District is needed to fill water tanks for use within the District.  The water can be used for uses such as dust control or median irrigation.  The District’s rules do not address the use of fire hydrant water as a replacement source.  The committee offered these comments.  (1) It may be appropriate to specify in the rules that hydrant water is only for jurisdictions to water medians. (2) The hydrant should only be used for emergency or temporary water needs. (3) If staff is aware of the need to specify uses for water hydrant meters, the committee would like to review proposed changes.




Discuss Development of Policy on Use of Atmospheric Generators as a Water Source


The committee requested that Water Management District staff consider comments made during the discussion, and provide a recommendation at a future meeting on how to proceed with development of a policy on installation of atmospheric generators.


The committee discussed the issue and offered the following comments. (1) Consider offering a rebate for installation of atmospheric generators, but no water credit.  (2) This would not increase or decrease Cal-Am water use at the site, so no capacity charge should be assessed. (3) Utilize for auxiliary uses that have no connection to Cal-Am such as a laundry sink in a detached office or studio. (4) Appropriate for commercial space such as art studio that requires installation of a sink.  (5) Install for a commercial, non-Cal-Am use that could be interrupted.  (6) What can be done to ensure that property owners do not cease use of the atmospheric generator and subsequently connect to the Cal-Am system?  (7) Should not be extended to residential uses. 


During the public comment period on this item, Ron Brown, a local architect addressed the committee.  He noted that the manufacturer is seeking ANSI certification for the atmospheric generator.  The County of Monterey agreed that use of the device would be appropriate for an art studio project. He requested that the committee develop rules that would allow limited use of the device, under various situations.  Mr. Brown suggested that wind generators could be utilized to defray the high cost to operate the device. He proposed that the Water Management District could require the property owner to agree to, and pay for periodic inspections to ensure no Cal-Am connection has been developed. He also noted that the plumbing code specifies the number of fixtures that should be installed in a building, so this could not be used as a means to facilitate construction of subpar buildings.



Set Next Meeting Date

The next meeting was scheduled for July 15, 2014, at 3:30 pm.




The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.





