This meeting is not subject to Brown Act
noticing requirements. The agenda is
subject to change. |
Water Demand Committee Members:Alvin Edwards, Chair
Gary Hoffmann George Riley Alternate: Molly Evans Staff Contact
Stephanie Locke Arlene Tavani After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced by the District and
provided to the Committee regarding any item on the agenda they will be made
available on the District’s website prior to the meeting. Documents
distributed at the meeting will be made available upon
request and posted to the District’s website within five days following the
meeting. |
Demand Committee Of
the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District ********* Thursday, April 2, 2020, 3:00 pm Meeting to be conducted by teleconference via
WebEx Instructions for Connecting to Meeting Within
5 minutes of the meeting start time from your computer go to: under
“Join a Meeting” enter the meeting number 629 211 933 hit the enter key enter
the meeting password h3BX7W2RU6X where shown, click “Join Meeting” once
in the meeting, at the bottom of the meeting box, choose “Call In” Do
not choose “Use Video System” Click
on “Start Meeting” You
will see a toll-free telephone number, access code, and attendee ID # -- use
these with your phone. You will
communicate by phone and view material on your screen. If
you want to join by phone only (no computer) dial 877-668-4493 and use the
meeting number above. |
to Order/Roll Call |
from Public - The
public may comment on any item within the District’s jurisdiction. Please limit your comments to three minutes
in length. |
Action Items -- Public comment will be received. |
1. |
Consider Adoption of
March 5, 2020 Committee Meeting Minutes |
2. |
Discuss Request from
City of Monterey re Allocation for 2000 and 2600 Garden Road, Monterey |
3. |
4. |
Recommendation to the Board to Adopt Final Report “Supply and Demand for Water on the Monterey Peninsula” |
Discussion Items
– Public comment will be received. |
5. |
Suggest Items to
be Placed on Future Agendas |
Adjournment |
Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to
provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or
disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or
services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public
meetings. MPWMD will also make a
reasonable effort to provide translation services upon request. Submit requests by noon on Wednesday April
1, 2020, to the Board Secretary at U:\staff\Board_Committees\WaterDemand\2020\20200402\April-2-2020-WDC-Agenda.docx |