This meeting is not subject to Brown Act noticing requirements.  The agenda is subject to change.






Water Demand Committee Members:

Alvin Edwards, Chair

Gary Hoffmann

George Riley



Molly Evans


Staff Contact

Stephanie Locke

Arlene Tavani
























After staff reports have been distributed, if

additional documents are produced by the District and provided to the Committee regarding any item on the agenda they will be made available on the District’s website prior to the meeting. Documents distributed at

the meeting will be made available upon request and posted to the District’s website within five days following the meeting.



Water Demand Committee

Of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Thursday, August 6, 2020, 3:00 pm, Virtual Meeting


Pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Orders N-29-20 and N-33-20, and to do all we can to help slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus),  meetings of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors and committees will be conducted with virtual (electronic) participation only using WebEx. 


Join the meeting at:

Or join at

Meeting number: 126 789 4069

Meeting password: waterboard

Participate by phone: 877-668-4493


For detailed instructions on connecting to the WebEx meeting

see page 2 of this agenda.



Call to Order/Roll Call




Comments from Public - The public may comment on any item within the District’s jurisdiction.  Please limit your comments to three minutes in length.




Action Items -- Public comment will be received.



Consider Adoption of July 2, 2020 Committee Meeting Minutes





Discussion Items – Public comment will be received.



Update on Water for Near-Term Housing Needs Initiative






Suggest Items to be Placed on Future Agendas








Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings.  MPWMD will also make a reasonable effort to provide translation services upon request.  Submit requests by 5 pm on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, to the Board Secretary at or call 831- 658-5652.             U:\staff\Board_Committees\WaterDemand\2020\20200806\Aug-6-2020-WDC-Agenda.docx



Instructions for Connecting to the WebEx Meeting

Note:  If you have not used WebEx previously, when you begin connecting to the meeting you may be asked to download the app. If you do not have a computer, you can participate by phone.


Begin: Within 10 minutes of the meeting start time, from your computer click on this link

or copy and paste the link into your browser, or go to:


Under “Join a Meeting” enter the meeting number 126 789 4069, hit the enter key and when prompted enter the meeting password waterboard, click “Next” and see the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen “Use computer for audio” and select the method you will use to hear the meeting – see below.


1) Audio and video connection from computer with WebEx app – view participants/materials on your screen

Click on the “Use computer for audio” drop down list

Click “Join Meeting”

Once in the meeting, mute your microphone.

Turn your microphone on when it is your turn to speak.


 2) View material on your computer screen and listen to audio on your phone

From the “Use computer for Audio” drop down list select “Call In”

Click on “Join Meeting” / You will see a toll-free telephone number, access code, and attendee ID # -- enter these numbers on your phone. 

Mute the microphone on your computer.

Disable computer speakers using the Settings menu.


    Join by phone only (no computer) dial 1-877-668-4493 and use the meeting number above.



Presenting Public Comment


1)      The Chair will call the meeting to order.

2)      Receipt of Public Comment – the Chair will ask for comments from the public on all items. Limit your comment to 3 minutes.

(a)  Computer Audio Connection:  Select the “raised hand” icon.  When you are called on to speak, please identify yourself.

(b)  Phone audio connection:  Press *9. Wait for the clerk to unmute your phone and then identify yourself and provide your comment.  Press *9 to end the call. 

3)      For Action and Discussion Items the Chair will receive a presentation from staff and the Directors may ask questions.  Following the question and answer period, the Chair will ask for comments from the public.


Submit Written Comments


If you are unable to participate via telephone or computer to present oral comments, you may also submit your comments by e-mailing them to with one of the following subject lines "PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM #" (insert the item number relevant to your comment) or “PUBLIC COMMENT – ORAL COMMUNICATIONS".  Comments must be received by noon on Thursday, August 6, 2020. Comments submitted by noon will be provided to the Board of Directors and will be compiled as part of the record of the meeting.