Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
February 2, 2010
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Bob Brower, Chair
Alvin Edwards
Kristi Markey
Staff present: Darby Fuerst, General Manager
Others present: Keith Israel, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA)
Comments from Public
No comments.
Action Items
Minutes of September 24, 2009 Committee Meeting
On a motion
by Director Edwards and second by Director Markey, the minutes were received
unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
2. Develop
Recommendation to the Board Regarding Adoption of Revised Committee Charge
a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Edwards, the committee voted
unanimously to revise the charge as presented with modifications so that the
second and third sentences will read:
“The Committee shall facilitate water supply project planning to benefit
Discussion Items
3. Update
on Potential Water Projects Including Desalination
A. Staff
Report on All Alternative Desal Sites and Feasibility of Each Site Located
Within the District Boundaries
There was consensus on the committee that the District should: (a) contact agencies that oversee use of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary to determine if desalination sites could be studied in the sanctuary, considering that other locations the District has studied are not feasible; (b) contact City of Sand City officials regarding expansion of the Sand City desalination plant, or use of intake sites in Sand City for another desalination plant; (c) check into the possibility of establishing intake sites in Pebble Beach; and (d) investigate some of the desalination options that had previously been considered infeasible.
4. Discuss
Next Steps re Development of 95-10 Desalination Project
See item 2.
5. Update
on Development of Recycled Wastewater Alternatives
Israel provided an update on the Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project
(RUWAP). He noted that funding is needed
to move ahead on the project, and that Phase 1 of the proposed Regional Water
Supply Project includes recycled wastewater from the RUWAP. A recycled water pipeline will be installed
along with the realignment of
6. Update
on Progress of Development of an MOU with MRWPCA on Water Supply Planning and
An MOU could be developed regarding funding studies needed for development of a groundwater replenishment project that utilizes recycled wastewater. Once it is determined the amount of money needed by MRWPCA for the studies, the request should go to the Board of Directors for consideration.
7. Report
on Potential for Increasing Capacity of Los Padres Reservoir
Mr. Anthony reported that Cal-Am is not pursuing plans to increase capacity at Los Padres Reservoir. Mr. Fuerst noted that Cal-Am owns Los Padres Reservoir, and must give permission for any work done at the site. In addition, federal agencies have expressed no interest in supporting an effort by the District to increase capacity at Los Padres Reservoir.
8. Update
on Status of
Mr. Fuerst reported that on January
11, 2010, the District was one of twelve signatories to the San Clemente Dam
Removal Collaboration Statement that recognizes support of the project to
re-route a section of the
9. Progress
Report on Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project
Oliver reported that the Phase 1 project has been injecting water since
December 12, 2009, utilizing well Nos. 1 and 2.
Pressure problems in the Cal-Am system have reduced the amount of water
that is supplied to the ASR wells. Well No. 2 is operating at 1,000 gallons-per-minute
(gpm) capacity. The well must be
rehabilitated before it can accommodate the 1,500 gpm capacity it was designed
for. Well No.1 is operating at 1,500 gpm. Total capacity is currently 2,500 gpm, but that
cannot be reached until the pressure issues in the system are solved. The District’s consultant has developed a
solution that might be implemented within the next two weeks. The Phase 1 Project could be completed by the
end of 2010, assuming another $1.6 million in funding is identified to install
electricity and finish grading at the chemical/electrical building and purchase
equipment for that building. A site plan has been completed for installation of
two wells and a small electrical facility for the Phase 2 Project. In order to fully operate Phase 2,
infrastructure improvements associated with Phase 1 of the proposed Regional Water
Supply Project must be completed at a cost of $13 to $14 million. The infrastructure improvement may need to be
completed separately from the Regional Water Supply Project in order to move
ahead with completion of the Phase 2 ASR Project.
Schedule Next Meeting Date
March 8, 2010 at 9 AM
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:35 PM.