Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

August 2, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Bob Brower, Chair

Alvin Edwards

Kristi Markey              


Staff present:    Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                        Andy Bell, Planning & Engineering Manager/District Engineer

                        Jonathan Lear, Senior Hydrogeologist

                        Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:           Alex Lorca


Comments from Public

No comments.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of July 1, 2010 Committee Meeting

            Director Markey offered a motion that was seconded by Director Edwards to receive the minutes with one correction:  delete the last sentence under item 1.A, as that sentence is incorrect.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


Discussion Items

2.         Update on Potential Water Projects Including Desalination

            A.        Desalination Projects

                        Bell and Fuerst reported that they met with Brad Damitz of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.  According to Damitz, subsurface intake is preferred, but would only be allowed if there are less than significant impacts.  There is no absolute prohibition against ocean intake, but that method would need to comply with constraints on impingement and entrainment.  There are three issues associated with seawater desalination:  (a) discharge of material within the sanctuary boundaries; (b) discharge of materials outside of the boundaries that could flow back into the sanctuary; and (c) prohibition of alternatives that could alter the seabed.  Fuerst noted that the Sanctuary is not responsible for issuing a permit for desalination projects; however, it would authorize any permit under consideration by the Coastal Commission.


                        Bell reported that he will meet with representatives from the Naval Postgraduate School regarding use of the abandoned City of Monterey wastewater treatment plant site.     He will also meet with the Sand City Manager about expansion of the Sand City desalination plant, and the potential for installation of new desalination facilities in Sand City.


3.         Progress Report on Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project

            Phase 1 – Fuerst reported that the electrical/facilities building is under construction and should be completed by the fall of 2010 and ready for full scale operation.  The District will publicize completion of the project.  However, an event at the site cannot be conducted until landscaping and fencing work is complete, and construction at General Jim Blvd. will allow general access to the site. 


            Phase 2 – Construction of a test well at the Seaside Middle School has begun and should be complete by August 16, 2010.  Subsequently, pump tests will be conducted in the evenings when school is not in session.  The State Water Resources Control Board has not yet determined if this ASR well can be considered a “small project” for purposes of meeting the mandates of the Cease and Desist Order.  This project is not yet permitted for use as a permanent ASR well, but could be with preparation of addendums to the formal EIR and National Pollution Discharge Environmental Systems documents.  Regarding water rights for this project, California American Water (Cal-Am) has dropped its protest, and the District has reached agreement in principal on the protest filed by NOAA Fisheries.   The Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA) has not dropped its protest, but the District and CRSA are moving closer to a settlement.


4.         Update on Status of San Clemente Dam Removal/Reroute Proposal

            Fuerst reported that the quarterly meeting of the San Clemente Dam Removal group is set for August 26, 2010.  The District has been working with Cal-Am and its consultants on preparation of the analysis of risk between removing the dam or leaving it in place.  Cal-Am will eventually transfer the dam to another entity.  The District has spoken with Cal-Am about the importance of selecting an entity with a purpose that is consistent with ours, so the District can continue operation of the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility.  Presently, the District has a long-term lease with Cal-Am for use of the rearing facility site.


5.         Update on Development of Recycled Wastewater Alternatives

            Fuerst reported that Keith Israel, General Manager of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency, will give a presentation to the Board of Directors at the September 20, 2010 meeting on the Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project (RUWAP) and the Groundwater Replenishment Project (GRP).   Both projects are currently on hold.  Funding is still needed for the main RUWAP transmission pipeline.  As for the GRP, in Fall 2010 development of a study plan may begin.   


Other Items

            No discussion of other items to report.


Schedule Next Meeting Date

The committee members agreed to meet on September 13, 2010 at 9 a.m.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 a.m.

