Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

November 16, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Bob Brower, Chair

                                                Alvin Edwards (arrived during the presentation under Item 2)

Kristi Markey


Committee members absent:     None               


Staff present:    Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                        Andy Bell, Planning & Engineering Manager/District Engineer

                        Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager

                        Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:           David Laredo


Comments from Public

No comments.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of November 11, 2010 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Brower and second by Director Markey the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 2 – 0.  Director Edwards was absent for the vote.



2.         Presentation from David Armanasco, Nadar Agha and Brent Constantz Representing Desal America – Manufacturer of Containerized Water Treatment Stations


            On a motion by Director Edwards and second of Director Markey, District staff was directed to work with Desal America to obtain estimates of project costs that could be incorporated into the Water Supply Project Matrix.  The motion was adopted unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0, by Directors Brower, Edwards and Markey.


Mr. Armanasco gave the presentation; a summary can be viewed on the District website or at the District office.  He introduced Brent Constantz and Jane Ricci of Calera; Nadar Agha of Desal America and Moss Landing Green Business Park; and Stan Leuck of Desal America and Rodi Systems (participated by telephone). The proposal is to install a containerized water treatment system at the Moss Landing Green Business Park, equipped to desalinate ocean water obtained from a deep-water outfall pipeline from Moss Landing Green Business Park property which is located across Dolan Road from the Moss Landing Power Plant site. The deep-water outfall pipes would be converted to an intake system through the installation of stainless steel submersible pumps.  The developers have a permit to discharge 60 millon-gallons per day (mgd), but the intake flow rate is unlimited.  During the question and answer period following the presentation, Mr. Constantz stated that experts in the oceanographic community agree that entrapment/entrainment issues would be overcome with utilization of a deep-water intake system.  He noted that a deep-water intake system typically must be located approximately 100 meters below the ocean surface, in order to minimize environmental impacts.  According to Mr. Agha, any gaps in the existing intake line could be repaired easily.  Mr. Agha explained that salinity of the brine discharge would be minimized because the developer could produce salt from the brine before it is discharged back into the ocean.  The salt would be sold to offset the production cost.  He also estimated that the project would cost 70 percent to 80 percent less than the proposed Regional Water Project, but that estimate does not include transmission facilities to the California-American Water distribution system. 


Discussion Items


3.         Update on Potential Water Projects Including Desalination

            The committee requested that staff pursue the following.  (1) Mr. Fuerst should meet with representatives from the City of Sand City about locating another desalination project in the city boundaries, or expanding the Sand City desalination project to provide additional water to the District.  Staff should make it clear to the City of Sand City that the District’s goal is to develop a creative solution for augmentation of the local water supply, there is no intent to interfere with or impede operation of the Sand City desalination project.   (2) Contact the California State Parks Department again regarding use of State land in Sand City as a potential desalination facility site. (3) Contact Oyster Point LLC about property it owns as a potential desalination facility site, to explain the purpose of the District’s inquiry.  (4) Review information on property owned by Security National Guaranty to determine if it has the potential for development as a desalination facility site.  (5) Focus on analysis of potential sites that are in the northern coastal areas of Sand City.  (6) Staff should prepare a memo that clarifies Tables 1 and 5 from the August 2008 MPWMD 95-10 Project Constraints Analysis Report.  The memo should explain that only one technology can be used at each project site to achieve estimated yield.


4.         Progress Report on Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project

            No report provided, the item was deferred to the next committee meeting.


5.         Update on Status of San Clemente Dam Removal/Reroute Proposal

            No report provided, the item was deferred to the next committee meeting.


Other Items

No discussion.


Set Date for Next Committee Meeting

            The next meeting was scheduled for December 8, 2010 at 4 p.m.



            The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m.


